2021-11-02 - Meeting DDI Scientific Board URN TWG

2021-11-02 - Meeting DDI Scientific Board URN TWG


  • Carsten Thiel

  • Darren Bell

  • Hilde Orten

  • Jared Lyle

  • Joachim Wackerow

  • Wendy Thomas

Agenda and Minutes

  1. Points to address (tbc)

    1. Centralised vs Decentralised resolution service

      1. Is a decentralised solution realistic? What would be reasons/incentives to do it? Who could be doing it and what documentation do they need?

    2. DNS-based and HTTP-based resolution service

      1. HTTP: DDI-Lifecycle im Datenarchiv: das Metadatenschema für die Dokumentation in verschiedenen Softwaresystemen

    3. Combination of the solutions for implementations

    4. Usability and standardisation

    5. One URN to one URL or to many URLs?

      1. Example: One ISBN for many copies of the same book, unique book shelf numbers for a copy in a library

      2. Examples of possible services

        1. N2R: given a DDI URN return one instance of the resource identified by that URN.

        2. N2C: given a DDI URN return a description or a summary of that resource.

        3. N2L: given a DDI URN return one URL that identifies a location where the identified DDI resource can be found.

        4. N2Ls: given a DDI URN return one or more URLs that identify multiple locations of the identified DDI resource.

    6. In case of decentralisation: are we mandating, recommending or just listing options?

      1. Some form of homogeneity/coordinating is needed

      2. Expectations in the DDI community are still very unclear (in DOI case very non-standard)

      3. Mandating might be hard/impossible

  2. Use cases:

    1. I want to resolve a DDI URN I found

      1. Found a DDI URN, now I want a website where I can type it in to resolve

      2. Software wants to resolve a URN in the background

    2. I want to create an instance that needs DDI URN 

      1. Build a system for publishing instances

  3. Planned outputs of the TWG

    1. Policy/recommendation as basis for what kind of technical services to be built

    2. Recommendation for what kind of services we provide

    3. Options for using the system built by Colectica

    4. Options we provide to agencies

      1. What do those mean for them

    5. Cost for alliance and/or agencies

  4. State of the art

  5. Next Steps

    1. Understand interest in decentralised or centralised solution

      1. Need to provide pros and cons and implications for either option

  6. DoNM

    1. 16. Nov same time

    2. 7. Dec same time

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