2022-02-01 - Meeting DDI Scientific Board URN TWG

2022-02-01 - Meeting DDI Scientific Board URN TWG


  • Carsten Thiel

  • Darren Bell (excused)

  • Hilde Orten

  • Jared Lyle

  • Joachim Wackerow

  • Wendy Thomas


  1. Scientific Community Meeting

  2. Review and discussion of current draft

  3. Homework

    1. Carsten to look at recommendation part again [by 17th]

    2. Darren to be reminded of use cases [by 17th]

    3. Hilde to summarise statements from community meeting video [by 17th]

    4. Achim to revisit the technical section on consistency [by17th]

    5. Wendy to look up diagrams and suggest possible use [by 21st]

    6. Jared to review from non-technical side, including overall flow [on 18th/21st]

  4. Goal of next meeting: Have the description of the needs and related services clear so that we can discuss the possible solutions to offer.

    1. Everyone should read it in full before the meeting! 

  5. Next steps

    1. Rediscuss draft at next meeting

    2. Then give to all other SB members for read-through from Feb 25th

    3. Feedback at SB meeting March 8

    4. Incorporate feedback until our meeting March 22

  6. DoNM

    1. Scientific Board meetings: Feb 8 & Mar 8 

    2. TWG: Feb 22 & Mar 22

Open Questions

  • Making certain services mandatory for each agency?

    • E.g. resolution of URNs must be possible

  • We need concrete use cases for all scenarios we are recommending to ensure we are not building a service no one needs

    • What does it do compared to what we have now?

    • How many users would each service potentially have?

    • Who can provide this service? Does the Alliance have to do it?

    • How much would this cost?

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