20241105 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes

20241105 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes


Dan, Wendy, Wolfgang, Hilde, Ingo (from 16:00)


Jared, Simon, Flavio, Darren (delay due to meeting)

This was a short meeting as many of the participants were absent. Many of the tasks were postponed to the SB meeting to be held one week later (November 12).

  1. Admin

    1. Updates on the CDI release process Postponed till SB meeting on Nov 12.

    2. Updates from Dagstuhl Postponed till SB meeting on Nov 12.

    3. DDI Website update Wendy: The plan was to send this out for review this week. New plan plan is to get it out next week. Reviewing and triage related to Drupal. New CV section may come a little later (there will be a separate announcement). 

    4. DDI Registry update Wendy: RDF ready to roll, reliant on CV.

  2. Standing Item - Scientific Work Plan Progress Review
    a. Pillar 1: Engagement Postponed till SB meeting on Nov 12.

  3. Working group reporting - form and tasks for WG contacts

    1. Link to Q4 report folder

    2. Link to summary spreadsheet of available plans

Hilde: Showed Summary Spreadsheet and explained ideas regarding follow-up by WG contacts. Further follow-up at the SB meeting Nov 12.

  1. Physical SB meeting in Chur 

a. Time: 9AM - 5 PM 

b. Venue: University building B (Where Ingo’s office is)

c. Practical:

i Ingo provides lunch at University

ii Food at reception in the evening (in University building aula)


- Ask if Simon will come (Simon sent apologies)

- Ask Jared about possible funding for dinner

d. Agenda:

i Scientific Work Plan: Review and implementations. Follow-up on SB meeting on Nov 11.

  1. Other

a. Congratulation to Wendy, Dan and the TC with DDI-L 4.0 Beta 2!


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