20230117 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes

20230117 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes


Darren, Flavio, Hilde, Ingo, Wendy, Wolfgang


Carsten, Simon


0.      Admin updates

Annual meetings:

Location, timing and meeting form for the Scientific Community Meeting 2023 was discussed. It was agreed to try to organize the Annual Scientific Community meeting as a hybrid meeting (physical attendance + virtual participation) in connection with the IASSIST conference in Philadelphia. Possibly on the same day as the Annual Meeting of Members.

  • Hilde and Darren will meet with Bill and Jared to plan further.


Participants have already started to sign up for the Hackathon organized by Ingo, Olof and Johan, to take place in Gothenburg on March 24th and 25th, in connection with the RDA plenary. Jared has already posted information about the hackathon on the DDI website, sent out a Tweet, and advertised the Hackathon through DDI mailing lists. Ingo additionally asked the Scientific Board members to promote the hackathon internally at their institutions and to spread the word in general.

1.      Scientific Work Plan

a.       Review of current draft version

We went through the following sections of the current draft of the plan for 2023: Preface, chapter I ‘Proceedings and Workflow ….and chapter II ‘Reachable short term goals…’ sections 1. – 13., and also discussed comments to the draft from the TC. Input and questions from WGs (WG contacts)

b. Input from the Working Groups

The SDTL and the Glossary group have already provided their reports from 2022 and plans for 2023 to their Scientific Board Working Group contacts.

The deadline for the groups and committees to provide their materials is set to January 30.

  • Hilde will send out a reminder to the WGs

  • Scientific Board contacts to follow up regarding with their  respective groups regarding content.

c.       Further work on the plan    

  • Ingo will look into the SB procedures document till the next Scientific Board meeting.

  • Wendy will update the review process draft document in collaboration with Hilde and Darren.

  • Hilde and Darren will prepare a new draft of the plan till next time.

  • Scientific Board contacts fill in input on plans from the Working Groups at section II 14. in the plan for discussion at the next Scientific Board meeting.

  • Finalising of the draft plan by the Scientific Board is scheduled for February 2023.

  • Plan ready for Scientific Community comments and approval by the Members

2.      Other

a.       Monthly meeting times 2023

It was agreed to meet next time on February 7th . Further on the Scientific Board will meet every second Tuesday of the year, with possible additional meetings in between.

b.       Approval of training materials approval process (proposal below)

The proposal from Flavio and the Training Group about review process for training materials was agreed.

  • Sub-WG shares slide decks with the whole WG and the TC chairs (1 month).

  • Sub-WG makes updates to the slide decks where necessary or provides comments to feedback if not necessary.

  • Sub-WG decides when the slide decks are final. WG chairs make any final decisions if they cannot be resolved.

  • WG chairs submit the slide decks to the SB for approval (2 months).

  • SB provides sign-off before Sub-WG adds the slide decks to Zenodo for publication.

-Flavio to add a sentence that slide decks are shared for review as soon as they are regarded as final by the Sub-WG

c.       ISO Certification

A document outlining the background and questions has been provided by Jared:
ISO certification for DDI (20221011)

The Scientific Board is interested to learn more about ISO Certification, and explore possible scope and resources needed. It was decided that Darren forms a temporary working group to work learn more about the ISO Certification processes, looking into scoping of possible ISO Certification for DDI, and also look into estimation of resources that would be needed to do the job.

d. Annual Scientific Community meeting – ideas

 Not addressed at this meeting. We’ll follow up on this.

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