20230808 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes

20230808 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes


Dan, Darren, Hilde, Wendy, Flavio, Wolfgang


Jared, Simon, Ingo

1. Welcome to our new member Dan (Hilde)

Welcome to Dan. All the other candidates were appreciated to run for election. SB members usually have the role of a contact person for one of the WGs. Dan could take over the role for the developers WG from Wolfgang. No objections. 

2. Scientific Work Plan 2024 - 2026 updates (Darren)

Hilde gives introduction. Darren provides a document with compilation of ideas: 

Discussion has happened about prioritizing on Interoperability, maybe instead market share should be considered another important goal. 

Scientific Board should concentrate on implementing the strategic goals set by EB.  These need firming up as a formal artefact, and interoperability is a crucial vision here. It also contributes to better marketing options. 

Focusing on interoperability and having a broad coverage for Codebook and Lifecycle is not mutually exclusive.

Darren and Hilde will draft a small summary for the EB on our envisioned priorities, taken from the existing ideas.

3. ISO working group setup - how to move on? (DB)

Darren reports that we planned to establish a temporary working group. Jared shared this info with ISO representatives. Interested people for the WG are Arofan, Darren, Flavio, Dan (Gillman) to ask. Darren will initiate the group with Jared.

4. SB review of training materials (link to document) (Flavio)

Flavio reports on the review process. The checks are mainly about verifying if the steps of the process have been followed. There may also be content remarks or discussions. Flavio will review the training materials review process.

5. UNECE contact, updates (Flavio)

Flavio talked to Arofan about this. Need some more clarification about actual work involved here. There is no formal definition of this, but we need to describe what we want e.g. about reporting back.

6. Bergen meeting 9th to 10th of October; funding needs (link to approved budget request)

Costs may have changed, we need to update the budget planning for this. So please tell Hilde, if estimated costs will vary. Dan does plan to join us and will need some funding. 

7. AOB



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