20220712 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes


Carsten, Darren, Flavio, Hilde, Ingo, Simon, Wendy, Wolfgang




1.      Feedback from the Working Groups

TC, contact: Ingo: Ingo will take part in the physical TC meeting in Minneapolis in August.

CV, contact: Darren: Sanda and Michael from ICPSR has been working with Darren on an upgrade of the Controlled Vocabularies tool.

XKOS, contact: Carsten: The XKOS guidelines are now ready for a second review.

2.      DDI URN resolution 

Carsten reported on his work on a document about DDI URN resolution, under development by the Temporary URN Resolution working group that Carsten is leading.  Carsten’s work received positive feedback at the meeting, and the document will be further addressed at the physical Scientific Board meeting in Chur September 5th to 6th 2022.

The event starts with activities on the Sunday September 4th where a dinner in honor of Achim will take place in the evening.

The draft agenda for the meeting days of September 5th and 6th is as follows (changes may happen):

Day 1 (Monday September 5th)

9:00 - 12:15

  • Outlook session

    • Achim talk

    • How DDI engages with other standards bodies in the Open Science world

    • Serialisation

13:30 - 15:00

  • Process documents and governance

15:15 - 17:00

  • Advisory Board members

  • Hackathon

Day 2 (Tuesday September 6th)

9:00 - 12:15

  • URN resolution

  • Scientific Work Plan

13:30 - 17:00

  • Scientific Work Plan (cont.)

  • Chair discussion/voting?

  • Wrapup and goodbye!

Achim has been invited to the full Scientific Board meeting as a former member, and chair of the old Scientific Board.

Arofan has been invited as an expert contributor for Day 1.

4.      AOB

  • ISI 2023: it was agreed for the Scientific Board to support an application for a panel for ISI 2023. Most of the proposed panelists will be at the conference anyway and their attendance will be funded by their institutions. Flavio will be the main contact for this and is proposed as the panel lead in the proposal (abstract proposal deadline July 15th). Flavio, Wendy and Dan G. will be collaborating on this.

  • The Scientific Board meeting planned for August will be cancelled due to people’s availability. The next Scientific Board meeting will be in Chur.