20240109 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes
Flavio, Hilde, Wendy, Wolfgang, Dan, Jared
Darren, Ingo, Simon
1. Admin – updated of latest happenings:
Feedback from EDDI participants https://zenodo.org/records/10403905 in the Envisioning the Future of DDI in the Metadata Landscape session
e.g. make documentation more visible
field-level documentation for DDI-C and DDI-L
Report from Training WG notes from EDDI side meeting (attached)
in general, work of training group is much appreciated
Chairs want to make a list of actions (see attachment) for 2024
Flavio is contact and will double-check if some support is needed
Need to decide on actions that are part of the upcoming marketing group
Question is if we need some training on XKOS or CDI, in addition to the “traditional” DDI products
WG is working on project charge document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uEfBVIHtGU-jZa3SqJQepA-a6D_TQ1-O7vf1496mX-4/edit
DDI Community Newsletter DDI Community Newsletter, December 2023
Really good to have this! Thanks to Jared!
Should be linked at https://ddialliance.org/newsletters-and-reports
DDI-L 4.0 beta release https://ddialliance.org/announcement/ddi-lifecycle-40-beta-announcement
Serializing the content is now possible in automated fashion
Different language expressions are included
Content is derived from DDI 3.3
Webinar is planned for end of February
Model is on github; other products are being moved there, too (bitbucket will stay for the published final versions)
Other serializations than XML were partly requested from the community (e.g. RDF, JSON); we need to see which are being used in the future. Support for interoperability with tools is needed for certain type of applications.
UML XMI is one of the outputs of the DDI model serializations (now supporting the canonical XMI that CDI has also, but not supporting EA specific diagrams anymore). Overlap of DDI-L and CDI (and other products) is still large - explaining is needed for users, so they can decide which product to use. Options for referencing between different products, reducing need for migration, need to be explained as well.
2. Assign tasks for the February meeting
Topic for next time - invites
Topics should have a relation to the SB tasks, e.g. scientific work plan and related work groups or co-ordination between them
contact persons (w3c, unece,etc) could report
Arofan/Flavio can report for Cosmos next time (Flavio will organize)
Training group could report (Hilde will organize)
Schedule EB/SB coordination call meeting (EB survey, Marketing group status etc.)
Jared will do
URN resolution
Wolfgang todo: look into , make proposal
WG follow-up (incl RDF equivalence group contact)
Scientific Work Plan 2024 - 26
Hilde and Darren will re-organize the current plan proposal for the next meeting, with tasks for SB members
ISO Certification WG
Darren will be starting this, Simon is interested
Moved to Feb meeting:
CDIF contact?
Nelson memo; IUSSP CV; CESSDA strategy document