20240709 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes
Dan, Darren, Flavio, Hilde, Ingo, Wendy, Wolfgang
Jared, Simon
1. Admin
Content for July Newsletter DDI Community Newsletter, Summer 2024
Report from EB/SB meeting 2024-07-01
Funding request allocation and reporting
All requested budgets were financed, but some not fully.
Statistical agencies campaign
Jon and Jared will organise a meeting to provide input to
Marketing and responsibilities, campaigns
Needs to have enough interest from members to start the group. Jon and Jared will start activities. A stats agencies campaign meetiog will be held on July 23.
Flavio will be in contact with Arofan about activities related to the statistical community from the SB side.
EB requests a scientific landscape survey report by end of year from the SB
Request to look at developments and see if current DDI works are still relevant.
However, the purpose of report needs to be clear.
What would the methods be?
Where in the organisation should similar work sit?
This needs more clarity. SB chairs to follow up.
Working group 2 year plans follow-up by SB contacts
See if plans are still being followed
Some reported to the membership meeting
We could ask for updates before EDDI, or even twice a year
2-year planning docs, should be asked for by SB contacts
ask if WGs need assistance for a 2-year plan
2. Working group reporting - periodicity and template
Reporting every 3 months.
Darren will develop template.
Discussion about right format for planning and reporting; use JIRA board
Reporting should be done for easy integration of planned activities with those actually done
Should be due in November, so we can summarize for EDDI.
3. Organising forthcoming SB meetings - rotate topics from the strategic plan pillars?
SB agrees
4. Memorandum of understanding CESSDA - ideas
CESSDA is open to more close cooperation with the DDI Alliance.
Could be a political statement/memorandum of understanding.
CODATA/CESSDA already signed a memorandum of understanding, see News - CESSDA ERIC and CODATA Unite Forces to Propel Interdisciplinary Research and Data Advancement
CESSDA members mostly use DDI-L/DDI-C currently.
Could be done in similar way with other large user groups, e.g., world bank, Canadian libraries, statistical agencies etc
So that collaboration is more based on institutions, rather than on persons.
The SB is happy for Hilde and Darren to move forward with this..
To follow up at the SB meeting in September meeting, and further with the EB.
5. Glossary group congratulation and way forward. Link to new glossaryhttps://ddialliance.org/learn/glossary
Thanks to the group for the great and efficient work.
What’s next for the glossary group
Maintenance; watch the issue tracker; see if immediate changes are needed. TC supports this.
WG can continue - maintenance can be done by the group - or end, and TC will take this on.
Individual participants could be asked to join the CV group or other groups that need more people.
Wendy proposes to inform the group that they can decide: if some of them want to continue, they should monitor the issues. If they dissolve, TC will take this automatically. Agreed.
6. AOB
Meeting in August will be canceled
Wolfgang asks if switching WG assignment would make sense because he usually cannot attend the SDTL meetings - attending is optional, just keeping track on current work as an overview matters, so no change.
Wolfgang, Hilde and Darren will discuss EDDI contributions from the SB side.