20240709 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes

20240709 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes


Dan, Darren, Flavio, Hilde, Ingo, Wendy, Wolfgang


Jared, Simon


1. Admin

  • Content for July Newsletter https://mailchi.mp/umich/ddi-community-newsletter-summer-2024?e=aad07851f9

  • Report from EB/SB meeting 2024-07-01

    • Funding request allocation and reporting

      • All requested budgets were financed, but some not fully.

    • Statistical agencies campaign

      • Jon and Jared will organise a meeting to provide input to 

    • Marketing and responsibilities, campaigns

      • Needs to have enough interest from members to start the group. Jon and Jared will start activities. A stats agencies campaign meetiog will be held on July 23.

      • Flavio will be in contact with Arofan about activities related to the statistical community from the SB side.

    • EB requests a scientific landscape survey report by end of year from the SB

      • Request to look at developments and see if current DDI works are still relevant.

      • However, the purpose of report needs to be clear.

      • What would the methods be?

      • Where in the organisation should similar work sit?

      • This needs more clarity. SB chairs to follow up.

  • Working group 2 year plans follow-up by SB contacts

    • See if plans are still being followed

    • Some reported to the membership meeting

    • We could ask for updates before EDDI, or even twice a year

    • 2-year planning docs, should be asked for by SB contacts

    • ask if WGs need assistance for a 2-year plan

2. Working group reporting - periodicity and template

  • Reporting every 3 months.

  • Darren will develop template.

  • Discussion about right format for planning and reporting; use JIRA board

  • Reporting should be done for easy integration of planned activities with those actually done

  • Should be due in November, so we can summarize for EDDI.

3. Organising forthcoming SB meetings - rotate topics from the strategic plan pillars?

  • SB agrees

4. Memorandum of understanding CESSDA - ideas

  • CESSDA is open to more close cooperation with the DDI Alliance.

  • Could be a political statement/memorandum of understanding.

  • CODATA/CESSDA already signed a memorandum of understanding, see https://www.cessda.eu/News/CESSDA-Newsitem-nid3636

  • CESSDA members mostly use DDI-L/DDI-C currently.

  • Could be done in similar way with other large user groups, e.g., world bank, Canadian libraries, statistical agencies etc

  • So that collaboration is more based on institutions, rather than on persons.

  • The SB is happy for Hilde and Darren to move forward with this..

  • To follow up at the SB meeting in September meeting, and further with the EB.

5. Glossary group congratulation and way forward. Link to new glossaryhttps://ddialliance.org/learn/glossary

  • Thanks to the group for the great and efficient work.

  • What’s next for the glossary group

  • Maintenance; watch the issue tracker; see if immediate changes are needed. TC supports this. 

  • WG can continue - maintenance can be done by the group - or end, and TC will take this on.

  • Individual participants could be asked to join the CV group or other groups that need more people.

  • Wendy proposes to inform the group that they can decide: if some of them want to continue, they should monitor the issues. If they dissolve, TC will take this automatically. Agreed.


6. AOB

  • Meeting in August will be canceled

  • Wolfgang asks if switching WG assignment would make sense because he usually cannot attend the SDTL meetings - attending is optional, just keeping track on current work as an overview matters, so no change.

  • Wolfgang, Hilde and Darren will discuss EDDI contributions from the SB side.




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