20240416 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes
Dan, Darren, Flavio, Hilde, Ingo, Jared, Wendy
Simon, Wolfgang
1. Admin info
CDI project meeting – CDI release candidate 2 submitted to TC: See updated website: DDI-CDI
The DDI-CDI WG met for two full days at the CODATA offices in Paris, to focus on finalization of the second Candidate Release of the DDI-CDI 1.0 specification (CR2), and to work on related efforts for publication and support for adopters once the spec is released.
Topics included:
(1) preparing the draft specification for transfer to the Technical Committee for a final round of review and to start the approval process; Done
(2) organization of the Git repositories to be ready for the upcoming migration of DDI products from Bitbucket to Github; Done
(3) a revision and updating of the relevant DDI website pages; Done
(4) continuation of on-going work on additional syntax bindings; Turtle and XML done. Ontology Packages ready
(5) production of marketing collateral for the COSMOS and European Geosciences Union (EGU) meetings; Done
(6) planning for the resolution of namespaces for DDI-CDI resources In progress same platform as CVs + redirect to field level with possible publivation in summer
(7) preparation of a reference profile to help early adopters of DDI-CDI once released. In progress
-Production from model to representations
-Webinar presentation
COSMOS conference. Program and slides: COSMOS 2024 - Program
Slides are in the program. Proceedings will follow that include papers.
EB/SB meeting 2024-04-15
Funding requests for review and prioritization will be sent us asap after deadline April 22.
Priorities communicated to EB at latest by May 14th.
Plan for SC meeting (see below)
Dan S. : Reach out to COSMOS about possible sponsorship? Dan S. to draft a proposal.
Flavio and Arofan to keep Dan S. in the loop and decide on how coordinate? We need to work on a shared goal. Dan’s writeup can be a start.
There is lot of interest of collaboration.
2. Scientific Work Plan draft
The first draft of the plan was laid out by Darren, based on outcomes of the Bergen meeting, discussions at last year’s Annual SC Meeting, and recent work of Darren and Hilde in Paris.
Any thoughts and possible suggestions for changes are welcome.
The plan will allow us to focus on a specific priority at each SB meeting.
Priority 3: To discuss with EB or Training?
3. Define work tasks to prepare for the Annual Meeting of the Scientific Community
Date and time https://ddialliance.org/announcement/save-the-dates-registration-virtual-2024-ddi-annual-meetings
Program for a 2 hour time slot:
(1) Reporting
from the work of the SB
from the working groups (all or some, invite speakers, who)?
(2) Plans
Strategic Plan? (Jon or Steve?)
Scientific Work Plan
WG plans (some or all?)
(3) Discussion
Prepare reports in advance for discussion.
One or two slides by each working group who is interested: 30 minutes
Working groups to raise questions - ask for engagement?
Make good use of the two hours
Website as a discussion topic? SC and Members - discuss what people need from this.
CDI intro and other SWP 2024 goals - discuss what people need from this.
4. Working groups
Decide about approval of new group: Questionnaires and questions Working group – mission and participants: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HftGu3iIy1_mIgXAj1qFtdlnVAV18a_uJzpW6FYGvB8/edit?usp=sharing .
Approved! Hilde will write to Hayley and Romain
Decide about sunsetting of Paradata group
Hilde write to David to ask if it is OK to sunset the Working Group. We will encourage David to get the planned article out.
New contacts for the following WGs:
XKOS - Dan S.
RDF equivalence group - Hilde
Questions and questionnaires - Ingo
Current contact list: Scientific Board Working Group Contacts
Glossary – review and publication process, outlook. Glossary work . Related email from Dan 2024-01-26 https://docs.google.com/document/d/19KdkfHvAT_SZANVSfx7BGCQhazNuw1cfu7ErGWxt3sc/edit
We need to decide about type of review process and further steps.
Hilde get back to Dan week starting April 22.
Possible to publish before the Annual Meeting of the SC?
Tech review has two levels - comprehension review contingent upon the group. The SB meeting will launch comprehensive review - go through steps. Wendy to follow up with Dan regarding questions on process.
Hilde: will write to all SB WG contacts to contact their groups about annual meeting deliverables and discussion questions.
5. Possible funding request(s) from the SB (deadline April 22)
Physical SB meeting in 2024
Chur - 1 day before EDDI?
Darren and Hilde will put up a draft proposal this week. Wendy will need funding. Flavio will possibly not make it for EDDI. Will others need funding?
6. DDI Alliance Website
Discussion will take place at the TC meeting tomorrow. Darren will write an email to the SB to sum up.