2021-12-07 - Meeting DDI Scientific Board URN TWG

2021-12-07 - Meeting DDI Scientific Board URN TWG


  • Carsten Thiel

  • Darren Bell

  • Hilde Orten

  • Jared Lyle

  • Joachim Wackerow

  • Wendy Thomas


  1. Review of first draft

  2. Planned outputs of the TWG

    1. Policy/recommendation as basis for what kind of technical services to be built

    2. Recommendation for what kind of services we provide

    3. Options for using the system built by Colectica

    4. Options we provide to agencies

      1. What do those mean for them

    5. Cost for alliance and/or agencies

  3. Work for this temporary working group: 

    1. Flesh out the example and summaries all implications for each option

      1. Explain which types of use might be possible or impossible in each scenario

    2. Identify Stakeholder representatives:

      1. End users

      2. Agencies

      3. DDI Alliance as managing organisation

    3. Present document/options to stakeholders to gauge interest

      1. Understand interest in decentralised or centralised solution

        1. Need to provide pros and cons and implications for either option

    4. Then make recommendation to Alliance which (combination) to implement

      1. Short-term vs long-term based on implementation possibilities/plan and needs

  4. Next Steps

    1. Document revisions and timeline

      1. Wendy to provide first draft of service level section by Dec 15th

      2. Iterations on all section offline by all teams until Jan 18

    2. Document reviews

  5. DoNM

    1. Scientific Board meetings: Dec 14 & Jan 11

    2. TWG meeting: Jan 18 same time

Open Questions

  • Making certain services mandatory for each agency?

    • E.g. resolution of URNs must be possible



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