2022-01-18 - Meeting DDI Scientific Board URN TWG

2022-01-18 - Meeting DDI Scientific Board URN TWG


  • Carsten Thiel

  • Darren Bell

  • Hilde Orten

  • Jared Lyle

  • Joachim Wackerow (excused)

  • Wendy Thomas


  1. Meeting with the Scientific Community

    1. Carsten to introduce TWG, purpose and status:

      1. Short introduction to the topic

      2. Present alternatives with options and what opportunities they imply 

        1. Target audience: agencies and all those who want to use DDI resources

          1. E.g. vocabularies, instances, questionnaire, fragments, variable description, re-usable and conceptual variables

        2. it’s not this or that!

        3. Registry, repository: what work is needed by alliance vs agency

    2. What we hope to get out of the meeting

      1. Goal: create interest

      2. Who needs this and which variant? What is the demand?

      3. Initial feedback and possible expression of interest for someone to comment on drafts?

  2. Discussion of the draft

  3. Next Steps

    1. Carsten and Achim to add details on possible services

    2. Wendy and Jared to explain user view of possible services

    3. Hilde and Darren to expand User Stories as requirements for services

  4. DoNM

    1. Scientific Board meeting: Feb 8

    2. TWG meeting: Feb 1 same time

Open Questions

  • Making certain services mandatory for each agency?

    • E.g. resolution of URNs must be possible



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