Analysis Part 2

Analysis Part 2


Name (Working term)
Area of coverage



context (vocabularies)

Spatial and geographic

Information required for describing geographic information and services (e.g. ISO 19115)

EX_Extent element: generic GML coordinate geometry (includes SRS), WGS84 bounding box, or location identifier; multiple locations can be specified. Bounding box is most commonly used.  MD_SpatialRepresentation for documenting raster geometries.

Location.position (WGS-84 latitude / longitude / altitude)



Coverage expressed via bounding box or using a G-Ring polygon definition; modules for describing raster and vector data; can also add address and other location info 


(reusing GeoJSON)


Information required for describing time-based characteristics of the data (e.g. the date of publication, a time stamp)

CI_Date element associated with events (publication, process steps, maintenance events) categorized by a date type codelist; resource temporal extent can be a set of temporal locations, expressed as time instants, or intervals; time coordinates have a TRS, generally use calendar time also can use named time-ordinal eras as time instant or for bounds on duration (e.g. Jurassic, Reign of Henry VII, Paleolithic).

Datatypes date, time, datetime and instant (instantdatetimedatatime)

(references XML Schema)

calendar date follows ISO 8601 Date and Time Specification or by using an alternate time scale such as geologic time



People, organisations, agents, ...

CI_Responsibility associates a role (controlled vocabulary) with an individual or organization; individual can be affiliated with organization. Contributor is one of many roles that can be assigned to an agent.People, organizations, person within an organization, role of responsible party can be defined from controlled vocabulary




Description of processes, workflows, transformations, ...

LI_Lineage is a set of process steps, ordered by a time stamp, source (input) can be specified, but not output; Not designed to describe general workflows with intermediate products and decision branches.

Healthcare Specific:

Project module captures research context; procedure module describes how data tables result from procedures stored in a database; methods module captures methods used to generate data






(Related to process) Descriptions of the process used to create/produce/transform/publish data

LI_Lineage used for this content (see above)

Versioning is via protocol

Transformations using Reference resource

Protocol module is used to define abstract, prescriptive procedures for generating or processing data





Vocabularies / lists / classifications

Enumerated lists of terms that may be applied to content being described.

Codelists are used in many places; the spec provides a set of 'standard' codelists that  are in the xml implementation schema, but the encoding includes a codelist identifier that allows systematic use of other identified codelists.

(Can) cover a broad range of code systems, from internal enumerations to SNOMED CT, LOINC, RxNorm, ICD-10, etc.

RDF supports Concept URI's.  JSON and XML support the ISO 21090 CD datatype

Unit type dictionary, function type, distribution type, responsible party and role, keyword type



Objects being described or referenced. May include datasets, but also publications, software, code, other metadata, ...

dataset is most common; scope codelist lists all the options; use of a custom codelist would allow specification of other kinds of target resources.  Primary objects include datasets, literature, software, research protocols

Specific for biomedical datasets:


Specific descriptions of datasets as primary objects

Scope can be attribute, dataset, series.

Group will be enhanced in the R4/R5 path


Observation / Capture

Classes/objects that describe the processes by which data is created, generated, captured, transformed. (QUESTION: Is this the same as Provenance/Process?)

MI_AcquisitionInformation includes events, instruments, operations, in sequence ordered by time stamp.  These are not designed to describe general workflows with intermediate products and decision branches.
Project module captures research context; procedure module describes how data tables result from procedures stored in a database; methods module captures methods used to generate datasame as Provenance IMO


The logical structure of the data being described - variables, units of measurement, concepts, sample units and populations, records, datum(s), cells. (May or may not be a subset of datasets)

MD_CoverageDescription for documenting image, grid, array (NetCDF) data structures; MD_FeatureCatalogue for Entity/Attribute data structure documentation.

clinical care artifacts, some pre-defined aggregations

See: Resource List

table, entity, literature, methods, party, project, protocol, resource, software, unit type definitionsDimension


The physical representation of the data (files, formats, locations, ...)

MD_Medium can be associated with offline distribution,  Mime type can be specified in MD_Format, but only as a CI_Citation title; mime types also can be assocated with a URL in CI_Online resource but again not explicitly in a mime type field.

Formats:  XML, JSON, RDF

Media resource

Attachment resource

(Use Mime Type)

Specification does not prescribe storage formats, names, etc 

filename, size, compression, encoding methods, authentication of a file or byte stream, format of data object, information needed to parse textual entities and attributes from a data object




Who can access the data and how

MD_Constraints for expressing security constraints, usage limitation, access limitations. No clear way to associate license; constraints can apply to the metadata record or the described resource as a whole; no capability for constraints on distributions or particular aspects of the described resource.Out of Scope - many implementations use OAuth2Access constraints



Administrative / core / ...

Foundational classes for use in building the specification - e.g. identification, versioning, primitives

Metadata standard, language, identifier for metadata record, update date, maintenance scheduleSee Foundation row on https://www.hl7.org/fhir/STU3/resourcelist.htmlIdentification, versioning



MD_Extension for documenting extension content model.

FHIR supports both a constraint mechanism – subsetting possible values and a tag/value extension mechanism for adding new elements. See: https://www.hl7.org/fhir/STU3/profiling.html

These fall under the general rubric of "Profile"
