Metadata for variables and attributes

Metadata for variables and attributes

discovery, assessability, integratability

Discovery could be multi-layered like:

  • discovery across domain-specific repositories, human interaction required
  • discovery in a portal which provides pre-selected data and possibly harmonized data, more automation might be possible in the search and discovery


Temporal integration example: sensor data every 3 hours:  clinical data aggregated by year

Spatial integration: point located data (sensors) vs. municipality/neighborhood (admin region).  Admin region definition might be time dependent.

Measurement alignment: units, conceptual, procedural

sampling feature identification-- e.g. identify households/individuals to correlate environmental and clinical data; aggregated data, intentionally fuzzy data (fossil locations)

hand function reported at various times of the day: capture context of response 

how to deal with Sentinel (a la DDI) values


find surveys that ask about party affiliation

find surveys that have asked questions like X (question reuse)

find surveys that  have response ranges like Y

how many people came into the hospital with respiratory infections

find surveys with similar response populations


index questions

controlled vocabulary to classify question topics

include response value domain in metadata

viewpoints (DDI).  

unit data records, aggregate records, object oriented/sparse data, network data structures

data model for data objects.  Data object can by type for a variable.

Data objects are inputs to processes

integrating on sampling feature (same person, same house, same rock sample)

Integrate on property type

instance variable relation  ISO11404-- adjacency list; implement factory of data types

High level metadata:

Concepts for ddi:ConceptualVariable and ddi:UnitType (ssn:Property, ssn:FeatureOfInterest)

Capture information (URI for om:Procedure); ramify to instruments, protocols, sensors at property/variable/attribute level.

what else about variables?

Comparison with the DXWG dataset extension (to DCAT) proposal

empo:Dataset - metadata record
ssn-ext:ObservationCollection - ddi:DataCube
sosa:ObservableProperty - Concept or ConceptualVariable
sosa:FeatureOfInterest - ddi:UnitType or ddi:Population,  will vary depending on sampling strategy.
sosa:UltimateFeatureOfInterest - ddi:Universe
sosa:SampledFeatureType - ddi:UnitType

Leave DataCapture/Procedure for now, other than to note:
Platform/Procedure/Sensor - ddi:DataCapture

and that having some indication of the observation procedure/DataCapture approach in the high level metadata will be important for assessment of fitness.

What would you like to incorporate into Variable information?
(Note - need to look at Larry's work on harmonising with CSV on the Web Variables)
From DDI InstanceVariable:

- unitOfMeasurement (but preferably more tightly typed)
- Universe and/Or Population (UltimateFeatureOfInterest/FeatureOfInterest)
- UnitType (individual sample, SampledFeature)

- do the Units have identifiers? (to enable joining on unit with other data)
- SubstantiveValueDomain (or maybe ConceptualDomain)
- SentinelValueDomain?????
- Capture (although may need to be abstracted)

Need to distinguish these for use - either as Discovery or Assessability

Spatial information:
- "StructureGeographyView" includes relevant study level metadata
- Could we do this at a variable level?

- What is the spatial resolution of the unit/sampled feature location (need for space-based integration)

Temporal information
- "TimeMethod" as a study level (with a CV - linked to a Profile??)
- Need information at the variable level

- What is the temporal resolution of the observation time (need for time-based data integration)

Possible alignment of requirements with DDI Variable Cascade:


See also:

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