Process Provenance presentations and files

Process Provenance presentations and files



 IASSIST update

At the iAssist sprint we both created a Process Package and wrote the descriptions for two Process Views. One view of the Process Package is the Protocol Specification. The other view of the Process Package is the Data Processing Pipeline.

In developing the Process Package, we were guided by ISO 10000-1 which is a specification defining a profile that combines objects from multiple models. Based on that specification a related standards document was developed.

It was determined early on that many of the specific DDI objects that describe the performance of work at each process step – e.g. GenerationInstruction – were not in scope for the Process package.

 Issues identified for discussion at Sprint

Issues raised before the Sprint:

  • Need to sort out how we represent related standards in a more formal way in the model. Suggestion that there could be functional views of external vocabularies (PREMIS, 11179).
  • The mapping to these vocabularies should be done in design time not after the fact. These mappings need to be done. There is some existing work from Wendy and Hervé on this (we should add this to the wiki)
  • It is one thing to be machince readable,  but we should also aim to be executable. Discussion on role/influence on BPEL, BPMN, XPDL
  • We should be clear in the scoping that we are trying to serve different purposes:
    • Prescriptive processes
    • Describing what happened (provenance)



 Pre sprint reading

 Work at NADDI sprint

 Design paper

  File Modified

Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation modeling experiment 20140330.pptx

Apr 08, 2014 by Former user

PDF File modeling experiment 20140330.pdf

Apr 08, 2014 by Former user

Microsoft Word Document ddi_process_model_moving_forward_20140326.docx

May 06, 2014 by Former user

Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ddi_4_census_v5.pptx

May 13, 2014 by Former user

PDF File ddi_process_model_moving_forward_20140326.pdf

May 14, 2014 by Former user