Disaster Risk Reduction

Pre-workshop teleconference presentation

Important databases, standards where available, and vocabularies /taxonomies as far as I have identified them for the CODATA DRR pilot? There are many more I can add but this is a start I think – comments very welcome

(From Virginia Murray)

UNISDR requirements for Global Targets and indicator reporting for the Sendai Framework

Technical Guidance for Monitoring and Reporting on Progress in Achieving the Global Targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

United Nations General Assembly endorsed Report of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Expert Working Group on Indicators and Terminology related to Disaster Risk Reduction (A/71/644)

Sendai Framework Monitor

Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - 2030

SDG data sources include

Voluntary National Reviews Database

UK data


ONS data on mortality

ONS  Provisional mortality data released every week – about two weeks behind

General Register Office (GRO) - Official information on births, marriages and deaths. The General Register Office is part of Her Majesty's Passport Office and oversees civil registration in England and this would relate to GRO data set for internal data for a major disaster

UK Incident data includes:

UK National Risk Register

Natural Hazard Partnership daily news – not publically available but I can access this

Gov.UK Notifiable Disease Weekly Reports (NOID)

Monthly health protection report

National Situational Awareness Cell (NSAC) Daily Report NSAC and IHR reporting (not all publically available)

Basic Census Data UK ONS 2011 census

Other systems exist

Every country will have their own data systems and the same linking will be needed

European DATA including MORTALITY DATA

Eurostat and EU data repository including Statistics on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information


European monitoring of excess mortality for public health action.

European Incident Data

ERCC PORTAL Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC)


Global MORTALITY DATA from models and

Global Burden of Disease (GBD)

Global disaster and mortality data

EMDAT – for disaster documentation

Disaster Category Classification and peril Terminology for Operational Purposes 

Incident Data

GDACS - Global Disaster Alerting Coordination System  is a cooperation framework between the United Nations, the European Commission and disaster managers worldwide to improve alerts, information exchange and coordination in the first phase after major sudden-onset disasters

PHE Global Hazards Weekly Bulletin  

Taxonomy and classification


WHO International Classification of Disease  is the foundation for the identification of health trends and statistics globally, and the international standard for reporting diseases and health conditions – and ICD 11 has just been released

WHO mortality database, coded by ICD-10 (or ICD-9 for old data)

Derived Classifications

Related Classifications

List of Official ICD-10 Updates

The Official Updates to the published volumes of ICD-10 are available as annual lists of changes

The lists indicate the source of recommendation and implementation date. Date of approval has been indicated for all changes except the corrigenda.

These updates are approved annually at the October meeting of Heads of WHO Collaborating Centres for the Family of International Classifications.




WHO Civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS)


Technical Guidance for Monitoring and Reporting on Progress in Achieving the Global Targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

United Nations General Assembly endorsed Report of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Expert Working Group on Indicators and Terminology related to Disaster Risk Reduction (A/71/644)

Integrated Research on Disaster Risk. 2015. “Guidelines on Measuring Losses from Disasters: Human and Economic Impact Indicators (IRDR DATA Publication No. 2).” Beijing: Integrated Research on Disaster Risk