Advisory - Project Management Group
Former user (Deleted)
Wendy Thomas
Jared Alan Lyle
New Group Name and Members (as of December 2017):
DDI 4 Prototype Release PMG (Project Management Group)
Jared Lyle (Executive Director)
Achim Wackerow (Chair, Scientific Board)
Steve McEachern (Chair, Executive Board)
Wendy Thomas (Chair, Technical Committee)
Kelly Chatain (Project Manager)
Advisory Group Members
Michelle Edwards (til end of 2016)
Dan Gillman
Arofan Gregory (til end of 2016)
Larry Hoyle
Jon Johnson
Jared Lyle
Steve McEachern
Wendy Thomas
Achim Wackerow (Chair)
Meeting Minutes
Present: Kelly, Jared, Wendy, Achim, Steve
What are we going to do with this group moving forward?
AG was coordinating the different working groups for DDI 4. Now that the MRT is only the active group, is it better to coordinate through the Scientific Board or the Executive Board?
The MRT has a strict working plan for the year, including a face-to-face meeting in Dagstuhl in Fall 2019, with a goal of having a mature core by the end of the year. This activity is already focused and being directed/managed with the Executive Board. In the first half of 2020 there is no face-to-face meeting planned. There are good connections between the MRT group and the Technical Committee as well. Coordination already built in.
Moving toward an ideal of a strong Scientific Board which can provide input and overall direction.
Will schedule a pre-Dagstuhl meeting to discuss the agenda, then a post-Dagstuhl meeting to discuss outcomes. (July 31st and October 30th)
Possibility for a pre-review preparation phase meeting and post-review meeting to be scheduled at a later meeting.
Attending: Kelly Chatain, Wendy Thomas, Steve McEachern, Ingo Barkow
- Prototype review period final
- Few more issues filed during extended period of review.
- TC has triaged issues. Bugs to be worked out with MRT help. Broader issues need more input and TC will propose a way forward on those.
- Follow up on cloud platform
- Jon J. is working on it with John S. help. Services are currently turned off.
- Oliver can run production offline.
- TC is responsible party for defining administration of the system(s). Will write up something for general knowledge.
- NADDI sprint updates
- Nothing new
- EDDI sprint and other workshops
- Dagstuhl one week to be Co-Data, other to be DDI 4 moving forward (possibly)
- Budget req’s talk next week with Steve, Jared, Achim...
- Other topics
- Kelly to pull together list of possible annual meeting topics from previous meetings. Deliver next week (April 15th)
Production/Google Cloud Platform
- Originally set up by John Shepherdson, handed off to Jon Johnson
- Need to sort out ownership and administration issues - Who owns it? Executive Board, TC, Scientific Board, etc.? Should probably be Technical Committee.
- Editors: Jared, Olof, Johan, Michael I., Jon J. is owner.
- Jared to send Jon message to get access to Cloud Platform and change email password, set up new owner account (remove buddyspike)
- Ask Jon to put together a short report on the whole platform, Atlassian, what’s running, etc. What is it costing? To be included in the annual report.
Continued assistance for DDI 4 through July 2019
- Prototype - TC sent over 4 issues to the MRT from the prototype review
- Deadline for review is March 31st
NADDI sprint updates
- Agenda sent to Executive Board (March 20th)
- No feedback, agenda is set.
EDDI sprint and other workshops
- Tampere - need to make reservations soon. Rooms will be part of the EDDI budget, sponsored by University of Tampere and Statistics Finland.
- EDDI Dec. 3rd-4th (week prior is U.S. Thanksgiving)
- Ask for the 5th and 6th, clarify cancellation penalties
- Agenda - polishing the Core, etc.
Dagstuhl - Sept. 30-Oct. 4 possible, will discuss in MRT and report back.
Attending: Kelly Chatain, Steve McEachern, Jared Lyle, Joachim Wackerow, Wendy Thomas, Ingo Barkow
Prototype Review:
Deadline for comments is 3/31. Wendy to send reminders.
Review was recently sent out to semantic community. Achim is monitoring lists for questions. Issues may be sent through email (ensure they are filed in JIRA) or filed directly.
Next steps - help the NADDI sprint participants, triaging incoming issues resulting from review and anything related to the work that hasn’t already been filed.
NADDI Sprint:
Hotel: Meeting room booked for Monday, rest of days will be at StatsCan. Individuals must book their own rooms directly 3 weeks ahead of time. NADDI is the code. Jared will pay for Monday board room.
Individuals: Emails sent for approved funding requests. Jon not attending, Flavio doesn’t need funding.
Topics: EB request to incorporate prototype review feedback into the sprint. EB request for ‘concrete’ deliverables. MRT group putting together document on main topics for NADDI and approach, will send to EB for consideration in March 20th meeting. Agenda will include:
- Core modeling issues
- Documentation of datum based approach and applications
- Identify flaws in current model and recommend refinements
- Views and subsets of the model
- Alignment and use of other standards (roundtrip-ability)
No sprint meeting planned at this point
Discussed how DDI 4 development is structured at this point in terms of working groups. MRT group is only active - covering modelling and representations, basic features (core)
Content groups not as active (paused for prototype review)- data capture, qualitative, etc.
Should officially inform the dormant content groups that additional activity is welcomed in the short term, but is ‘second priority’ to core activities. All agreed. Jared to send email.
In the short term (first half of 2019), this advisory group should focus on continued assistance in the development of DDI 4 - the next meeting will discuss how best to do this, what tasks are required.
In the longer term (second half of 2019 and beyond) there are a few considerations:
- Transitioning the membership/focus of the existing DDI-4 advisory group to a subgroup of the scientific board, an agenda item for the annual meeting in Sydney and, perhaps, a topic for election statements.
- Using the group as a means to work with and resolve conflicts in the direction and focus of DDI in general.
- Reconvening the advisory group as described in the bylaws and evaluating its current value and also possible approach to helping with conflicts, to be called upon by the director as needed for guidance, Jared to send emails to members of this group, chair and vice chair of EB, SB, and TC.
EB to discuss funding and budgets in March and April meetings.
Attending: Kelly Chatain, Wendy Thomas, Joachim Wackerow, Jared Lyle
Prototype Review:
Prototype Review Announcement to semantic web lists was delayed. Achim will follow up with Eric P. to find out when announcement can go out. Recommend keep the review period open until we hear from Eric about the announcement to the lists.
Jon Johnson will follow up with Darren Bell to solicit his comments in the RDF area of prototype review.
Wendy will send out today the reminder to IASSIST.
General comment (anecdotal) is that DDI 4 is too complicated to review at the moment. No "easy" examples available.
Follow up with Jay and Flavio to see if they would like to officially file issues as a prototype review response.
Advisory Group General:
Advisory Group should continue to meet. The composition of that group will be discussed further.
New Scientific Vice-Chair, Ingo Barkow, should be invited.
Agenda for the 30th - Discuss the 6-month time frame for DDI 4, including ideal composition of group, when prototype review report to be written, scheduling the next sprint, possible MRT proposal for review.
Meeting to be moved to 1:00pm Central, 8:pm CET for the next two dates.
Attending: Kelly Chatain, Wendy Thomas, Joachim Wackerow, Jared Lyle, Steve McEachern
Content Questions:
- Canonical XMI - Achim to send document to Kelly w/ Arofan and Larry’s contributions.
- RDFS Explanation - A request for comments on particular area of work. A paragraph or two to give some context on this list of deliverables. Distill the reasoning for RDF from the Dagstuhl documents. Kelly to send Achim links to previous RDF overview work.
- RDFS Examples - Achim working on from previously provided XML examples. Wendy to send latest additions (conceptual, geography, etc.)
- Mappings Overview - Wendy working on for DDI 4, 3, 2 and GSIM. Within the week.
- Sampling Methodology (review) - Flavio will try this/next week. Overall Methodology and Sampling Methodology.
- XML Bindings (review) - once Oliver completes review, no need to further check with TC.
- TC Documents (review) - Will have summary document and working pieces, finalizing some comments from JIRA and discussions, etc. in TC meeting Sept. 13.
Sphinx Content Questions:
- Using the repository for making changes
- Updating the content in general; e.g. DDI Base Blocks - in Q2 docs, but not in Prototype
- Status of build process - Jon running locally due to server speed issues. When he returns from vacation Sept. 17th, will provide update
Prototype Announcement:
- FAQ materials to be published on the DDI website - Marketing meeting on Tues. Sept. 18th to finalize.
- Draft announcement review - Kelly to send link
EDDI Sprint:
- Invitation review - Wendy to summarize DDI 4 moving forward points
- Send to TC, DDI 4 Community, and DDI User’s list
- Specific invitations available upon request. Kelly to send directly to individuals on the DDI-SRG list.
- Copy Executive Board
Attending: Kelly, Wendy, Jared, Joachim
EDDI Sprint
TC / DDI 4 joint or concurrent - number of people may determine availability and overlap.
(Flavio comments and Jon Johnson comments)
- Kelly will draft an Invite to include TC agenda and DDI prototype agenda
- Send to TC and DDI 4 Community, DDI User’s list
- Wait to see the response to know what resources are available and further organize topics, etc.
TC Integrity Check
- Writing for the review, comments needed, list of specific issues to be reviewed
- XML updates - Wendy will send the updated to Achim
- Spreadsheets for functional views - Wendy also updating and will put in prototype folder when finished.
- TC meeting on August 16 will determine the ‘frozen’ structure, Achim to create canonical from this ‘final’
- RDFS - changing to xs decimal - as it was coming out in OWL - Achim to follow up
- Achim working on canonical xmi and transformation of XML example to RDF examples
- Kelly organizing documentation into various dissemination types: Sphinx, Package, Supplementary, and TC Comments
- Kelly to get the Sphinx content in ready form my end of August.
- Wendy on vacation last week of August
- Kelly gone September 4-9
RDFS and Other Updates
- Eric’s contract complete at the end of November - renewal will be dependent on the prototype review
Review Goals:
- September 21, 2018 final documentation date, release on Sept 24 just before the Dagstuhl Workshops
- Two months until the EDDI sprint
Attendance: Kelly, Jared, Wendy, Steve, Achim, Barry
Focus on two areas: the “new” piece of DDI 4 and the overall context within the DDI verse. Important to have both complex and simple document.
Content-oriented: Data Description and Process,etc.
Technology oriented: Model - Driven and multiple presentations, and XML for preservation and exchange and RDFS
Brief Message:
About the rollout (in folder) - Pretty much up to date, needs some re-phrasing. Jared and Barry to rework.
FAQ on the website (need to pull together)
Action items:
Identify FAQ topics - add up to August 10th, contribute content concurrently (all - not Wendy)
Assign FAQ topics and answers and link with What’s New in DDI 4 (Kelly)
Update Brief Message (announcement) - Jared w/ Barry
Approaching Jon and Ron about reviewing FAQ approach and Overview (Kelly)
Ping the DDI-SRG list as well (Kelly)
Update Vehicles for Release (potential):
Email address list for distribution
PR Newswire (wide) - not specifically targeted
Semantic email lists to be sent by Eric P.
Dagstuhl organizers (metadata)
Other considerations:
Review GDPR ramifications for sending to NADDI collected emails. - Cleanout European addresses?
Clarify consent for receiving DDI Alliance communications at EDDI and NADDI conferences.
For DDI Alliance: Database of contacts indicating acknowledgement of consent for various communications, moving forward and existing contacts?
TC Integrity Check:
Hilde’s contributions and thoroughness is great, particularly on what’s coming out in the XML.
Sorting out XML validation issue (Oliver on vacation)
See JIRA issues and changelist for updates.
RDFS - AES example is available. Achim has written a program for transforming DDI 4 XML to RDFS ttl. Can be used on existing XML. Wendy will send them to Achim.
Pre-EDDI Meetings:
Discussion of joint TC and DDI 4, concurrent or overlapping - email communications and then further discussion on next Proj. Mgmt. meeting. August 15th. Get TC and DDI 4 perspective for possible topics Nov. 26-30, EDDI tutorials start Mon. Dec. 3.
Present: Kelly, Wendy, Achim, Steve
Prototype release date now mid-late August. 3.3 review period ends August 3rd.
TC Integrity Check:
Wendy looking at SamplingMethodology from Dan/Jay and will put it on the TC list. If not accepted into the prototype then it will be released as an alternative.
Oliver has resolution for TC-44
TC- 4 DNS issues to be discussed with other groups, not related to the prototype.
Delivery for Prototype:
TC to look at how all documentation will be pulled together for the prototype delivery. Which parts to put into the build, which are supplementary, etc. Wendy and Kelly to get a head start on the group and meet next week.
RDFS Work:
Kelly to contact Eric with reminder that TC needs to review this work as soon as possible in order to meet release deadline. Achim to schedule call with Eric next week.
Marketing group invited to the next PMG meeting on August 1st to discuss the release, messaging, and any other concerns they may have.
EDDI Sprint:
Kelly to draft invitation to the sprint. Language will include language about the prototype and DDI development as well as the production process migration.
Kelly to contact Cristina at DIW for questions about logistics.
Present: Kelly, Wendy, Achim, Jared
TC Integrity Check and Documentation
- TC 45 has produced problem in XML - If Oliver can't fix then they will put the packages the way they were. Check in possibly next week.
- Item 56 - VariableRole needs to be renamed variableFunction in the examples may need some structural review?
- Item 57 - will have to be updated - documents
- Item 54 - Double check the spreadsheets.
- TC Integrity Check completion- still shooting for mid-July, may be the end of July. 4th of July will fall mid-week.
- Documentation: TC 128 may hold this up, TC 91 may need more documents
Kelly to check in with Hilde on Data Capture
Kelly to invite Marketing back on the next call to discuss framing of documentation.
RDFS - to be reviewed as a whole - Kelly to create a new issue when the materials are ready and link it to TC-12
Canonical XMI - Achim will file in JIRA and link to TC-10
Status: Achim still needs to do reverse association. He is also working on a document on the purpose of canonical XMI, as well as which tools it works with.
Timeframe: by the end of next week (June 29th)
Jared - Eric still needs to submit the payment information.
Move next meeting to the 11th.
Attending: Jared, Kelly, Wendy
We need to clarify message on the goal of DDI 4 - available time in the 45 minutes in the DDI annual meeting.
Searching for broader input during the meeting, beyond the membership.
Measuring Prototype success: Does it do what we proposed it to do? Where does it go from there? A means of testing for over-patterning or under-patterning. Are we making UML do something is wasn't meant to do? We need to look more closely at the constraints in the model vs what is in the XML The review will provide a lot of information.
TC integrity check working towards end of June.
Other work
Documentation and restructured text work for 3.3 currently on TC’s plate. Review will be six weeks.
XKOS published in the middle of June.
DDI 4 presentation will have*:
Goals – consistency with this link
Concept of Views
Some specific views (show what's familiar as well as what's new)
All views included in the prototype
*Hilde is finalizing an example of Data Capture and documents for Data Capture. Should be ready later this week. This will be content for the presentation.
Wendy - XKOS out before IASSIST or shortly after
Steve, Jay, Wendy to have rough draft of content by the 16th
Send invite to Barry/Jay for 23rd.
TC Integrity Check
Patterns, Modifications, and Consistency coming on deck. TC balance with 3.3 work. Naming taken care of.
The email threads from last week will become TC issues – Wendy will summarize and create issues.
April 25, 2018
Attending: Kelly Chatain, Jared Lyle, Wendy Thomas, Joachim Wackerow
Technical Committee Integrity Check - General process and Update
Kelly pulled together TC Integrity check overview page - here
Looked at the needs for front-ended issues – see the timeline Wendy produced
Wendy may make contact with people for specific tasks at IASSIST, if needed.
Achim comment – model for the prototype is in good shape.
RDFS Update
Kelly to send some of Wendy’s updated XML examples to Eric and Achim for testing. Wendy suggests one of the descriptive codebooks.
Eric has produced some basic documentation, not complete. Achim will send to Kelly.
Documentation - Refining and pre-release (Marketing)
Clarify restricted class list in view descriptions
Achim: Only the classes which are mentioned in the views should be included, plus all data types and classes which are referenced by properties. But ONLY these. In the OWL environment maybe also include the super classes, the abstract classes.
What the top level classes are for each view. Should include this with the XML examples and documentation on the views.
View description (LION) editing
Checking bandwidth with Jon and Oliver on helping to get the documentation into rtf, LION, the images, etc. Wendy can possible help.
XML Examples - consistency and comprehension
Patterns being written by Flavio and will send items as they are written for our review.
Additional resource options
Dasgtuhl Meeting and Sprint before EDDI -
Talk to the Executive Board about funding – meeting at the end of this week and will discuss budget requirements. Need a ballpark estimate for the sprint and/or Dagstuhl workshop. Future RDFS OWL work?
Conceptual discussion on who should be there and which direction should it go?
Dagstuhl – cross-domain use of metadata standards (should include DDI 4 and DDI 3.3) 50% DDI and 50% W3C and other organizations. Use and possible overlap.
Kelly to create pages for upcoming EDDI Sprint, craft and send message to Knut to support this work at the institution level. Kelly to pull together list of past participants.
Kelly to create pages for Dagstuhl workshops (not sprints).
Attending: Kelly Chatain, Jared Lyle, Wendy Thomas, Steve McEachern, Joachim Wackerow
Pre-NADDI working meeting review - all documentation (not DataCapture View) has been completed. Examples, overviews, class-level text, view descriptions, etc.) Wendy updating XML examples after XML issues fixed (fixed as of 4/16/2018). Kelly to load view descriptions into LION.
Some organizational issues to be discussed/fixed. More on compositions/aggregations. Achim to write document on how the rules are being applied to map the UML into OWL. OWL is definitely not being included in the production framework, but will be included with the prototype. Eric is able to import both the canonical XMI (generated manually by Achim) and the LION XMI into his program.
TC Integrity Check
Ready to begin the TC Integrity check the week of April 23rd. Wendy to triage Jira issues and group accordingly for more efficient review. Kelly to create new review page for the integrity check on the wiki, to include all current documentation NOT in LION.
The check will include a review of current Jira issues and the model as it exists against current modelling rules, consistency in patterns, classes working together, etc.
Attending: Kelly Chatain, Jared Lyle, Wendy Thomas, Joachim Wackerow
Hilde Orten has been brought on board and given a full orientation. She will join the MT meeting next week on the 21st and send questions to the group in the meantime. Dan Gillman has more time to work on documentation. Jay is getting busy, but most of what he has committed to do is complete. The documentation tracker is up to date and all materials are in the Google Drive folder.
Action: Wendy to send Kelly the 2.5 - 3.2 mapping
Action: Kelly to pull together overview docs for introduction to DDI-4
Eric has generated first OWL representation and a ShEx binding.
Thursday (March 15) a conference call with a few more RDFS people (Deirdre, Darren, Oliver, Jay, Eric, Achim) to discuss this and then it will be distributed to wider circle. The next steps will be determined (reviewing the rules document, etc.).
Exploring the model work was in parallel with looking at the canonical xmi. Achim was able to figure out a feasible way to extract a canonical version from the Drupal xmi.
Canonical XMI - While working on this, Achim was testing with 4 or 5 UML tools and ran into a few more issues (filed in JIRA). Found a lot of duplicate IDs for XMI of the PSM. This may be a bigger issue. Can we produce a canonical XMI of PSM for XML Schema for the prototype? Only worth it if it is easy to fix the PSM duplicate IDs.
Action: Achim to further explore.
Changes to the Model
TC continues to triage issues that are filed as both the RDFS, example, and documentation work progresses. TC will discuss TC-60, TC-59, TC-57, set of TC-38, 45, 51, 52, 58. Going for a formally clean model from a UML perspective. The change log is updated.
Triage levels:
- Fast-track changes with minimal effect on model
- Higher risk/more work problems - evaluated based on balance between ability to complete for the prototype and the seriousness of the issue.
- Parked for resolution post-prototype release
Future Meetings
If we hold a DDI-4 sprint before EDDI, would like to have the notice/invitation sent out by the end of April.
TC proposing to DDI Executive Board to re-establish autonomous annual working meeting.
Achim will be in the U.S. beginning April 6th.
Project Management
Kelly Chatain, Jared Lyle, Wendy Thomas, Achim Wackerow, Steve McEachern
RDFS Work:
Eric is still looking into the details of the model. He has a first rough representation and also in ShEx. Will be talking more about this on the next RDFS team call, and then it should be worth it for others to take a look.
TC will be looking at the issues related to the prototype as filed by priority - then update the issues that will affect the RDFS. General rule - if it is too hard to fix, then it will be parked.
Should be a discussion after the prototype on how to represent the design patterns in another way.
Future work process : more iterative between the model, the bindings, and back.
Action: Kelly to put together invitation for more RDFS people resources.
Who owns the XMI? Achim working on the canonical XMI representation and has made some steps forward.
How to consume the XMI in a UML tool? The type of XMI is frozen. The output XMI of Drupal will be transformed to another canonical XMI,
If it can be transformed, then it will be released for the prototype.
Who will be documenting the XMI, how it does or doesn't work with EA. What are you getting out of the XMI. Pull from the XMI tracker as well.
Oliver to help with the transform from existing frozen drupal XMI to the canonical XMI.
Achim has Agents and AgentsRegistry View ready in canonical XMI. Will offer for review in the next couple of days.
If oliver can transform for prototype then he can transform for all of the other packages and views.
Achim also working on the datatypes (XML schema datatypes)
Dagstuhl workshops will be held earlier in the year , the 14th of September and 1st October. Achim will have more information within the next four weeks.
Possible work for a pre-EDDI meeting: A looking back on the prototype responses, but then looking forward to next steps, etc.
Attending: Kelly Chatain, Jared Lyle, Wendy Thomas
Prototype Update:
- Modelling team collection documentation in Jira DVG-27 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- They are working through the other DMT issues for accuracy in the documents. See list on the MT minutes page under 2018-02-14
- Prototype Project set up in Jira for Kelly to manage
- RDF work progressing, strategy for moving the work forward is out for TC review, mailing list set up, Kelly to add recipients
- Kelly to update list of deliverables on the project management page
- Future DDI Communication on Prototype – more specifics on the deliverables, maybe in March? Contact Marketing group to craft this message.
- Kelly making arrangements for the pre-NADDI work meeting (conference room equipment, etc.
Attending: Kelly Chatain, Jared Lyle, Wendy Thomas, Achim
- Modelling Team and Prototype Handoff from Modelling to Documentation (Kelly, Wendy)
- Functional Views to be put forward for the prototype are now in LION with some minor cleaning to do:
- Modelling Team use case materials are being collected, and will be handed off for documentation group to decide where information belongs (e.g. in the class documentation, high level, etc.)
- Documentation Work Update (Kelly, Wendy)
- Class description clean-up in LION almost complete
- Problem with documentation outputs from LION, though builds are working fine - Jon to resolve.
- Fixing the XMI being exported - this is the 'canonical' XMI issue for import
- Translate the work that Deirdre and Darren have been doing (Jon, Deirdre?)
- Framing the DDI 4 effort within the DDI specification context as a whole, to include 3.3, etc.
- How to frame what the prototype is, with a production version being farther into the future.
- Coherency across documents - resources needed
Action : Kelly to draft invitation for documentation work and send to PMG for review – should go out Feb. 5 or 6
- RDF/OWL Work Update (Achim, Jared)
- Deliverables for prototype:
- Suggested as required: PSM, DDI vocabularies for the three functional views in RDF-S/OWL, transform programs from PIM to PSM to RDF-S/OWL syntax, mapping table to other RDF vocabularies.
- Suggested as optional but very important: documentation of DDI vocabularies, tests (as RDF instances, same content as the XML test instances), program for proving the metadata roundtrip between XML and RDF
- Options for the transform:
- PIM (EA-XMI) to PSM (EA-XMI) to RDF-S/OWL syntax
- PIM (EA-XMI) to PIM (C-XMI) to PSM (C-XMI) to RDF-S/OWL syntax
- Program languages for transform:
- Currently XSLT, hard to maintain (doesn’t document itself very well)
- Alternatives: Javascript, Java
- Deliverables for prototype:
Do we have working transforms at the moment? Yes, written by Thomas Bosch. Need to be updated, but should these xslts be changed to new language?
Action: Comments needed (after recommendation put forth) from the Technical Committee.
RDF Timeline: When should the vocabularies be available? For Technical Committee to review, should be…1) Eric’s work, the right approach with vocabularies, then 2) What example/cases for xml (from Dagstuhl) could be transformed to RDF, 3) then validation program. What works can then go into the prototype.
- Pre-NADDI and future sprints
- Will happen – Notice needs to be send asap. Kelly to write and sent to PMG for approval.
DDI4 Project Management Meeting - January 17, 2018
Attending: Kelly Chatain, Wendy Thomas, Jared Lyle, Achim Wackerow
Prototype Work Update - Modelling Team
- Consistency reviews, separating out documentation requirements.
- Identified classes and packages to be included.
- DMT-176 - class documentation needs listed here.
- Fleshing out the use cases - logical data description a focus to determine what it can describe, clarifying names, etc.
- Wendy and Jay working on data transformations and workflows (non-questionnaire work as well)
- Reviews of realizations, orphans, names and types (target, data)
- Oliver writing scripts for validation information, put into build process. Also writing issues for validation against XMI content.
- Working on visually cleaning up the spectator view of LION, hiding some content...
- Views will come out of the use cases.
Working Groups for prototype
- RDF work with Eric P. - Call in the next two weeks to discuss expectations. When is the cutoff date for including this work in the prototype? End of March is goal.
- Documentation that is RDF specific required for adequate TC review.
Action: Eric P. meeting and discussion
Assembling the group that will do this work:
Jon Johnson
Modellers (to be used as an information resource and/or targeted content only) Wendy, Flavio(?), Jay, Dan G., Oliver, Larry
Marketing representative
Training representative
Sanda I.
Ask Wolfgang for someone on his team to contribute or Wolfgang himself.(Esra)
Guillaume (GSIM Resource)
Action: Kelly to send invite, consult Jon Johnson to see if there is anyone we've missed.
Action: Communicate the protoype plan and status, put out the invitation to join the documentation group.
Kelly to contact Marketing to help draft this.
Pre-NADDI Sprint
Work to be done: Finalize documentation (Invite folks when they join the documentation group) , solidly layout the Technical Committee review plan, plan out DDI4 for remainder of the year (e.g. drupal to COGS).
Possible attendees: Wendy, Dan G., Dan Smith, Jeremy,
(Achim in Lawrence, KS from April 6th - working on DDI in R)
Project management needs for DDI 4
- Using Atlassian for project management in addition to the issues
- Tracking the issues on a more granular level including dependencies.
- Keeping track of items that do not make it into the prototype.
- Identifying pieces that are independent of the social science discipline.
Action: Kelly to optimize the tools for use in the above areas. Will receive help from Wendy and Jon to clean up Jira issues.
Attending: Kelly Chatain, Wendy Thomas, Achim Wackerow, Jared Lyle, Steve McEachern
- Project Management Update: Project manager to focus on DDI Moving Forward, with other tasks taking secondary priority. To include related action items coming out of Dagstuhl, with care taken to keep focus constrained.
- Review prototype Gantt chart
- Task plan and organization - Add more to the gantt-style to make sure we have all overlapping tasks and working groups, with deadlines - Kelly will work on this with Wendy. (research gantt-for JIRA or other solutions)
- Assignment of resources - Need to think of who we need in terms of validation, documentation, use case development, examples. Send validation doc to group for review
- Chur meeting was cancelled due to low confirmation number. Do we need another face-to-face meeting? - Kelly to contact BLS (Dan Gillman_ for possible three-day meeting before NADDI)
- If yes, who should be there for which topics? GESIS Cologne might be a possibility for a meeting.
- Organization of new AG Group
- Roles: Scientific Board Chair to chair the group, Minutes to be taken by the Project Manager, Consult with PM and Wendy to set agenda, etc.
- Meeting times: Keep as is, meeting every other week. Next meeting on January 17th.
- Name (the intention is to have something more than an advisory group):
DDI 4 Prototype Release PMG (Project Management Group) We should communicate this name change. (see below)
- Communication for prototype
- To include the renamed Project Management Group. Send to DDI-SRG (PMG:, etc.), post on website, DDI-Users
- Jared will send out Monday, Dec. 18th, to users and website
- RDF Consultant contract is finalized. Eric is ready to start working. Jared to schedule a call with Eric to discuss general process, the Dagstuhl RDF document, expected work, and the setup of RDF work group (see Dagstuhl week one report). With Kelly.
- Potentials for RDF group: Darren, Deirdre, Oliver (TC), Dan Smith (TC), Guillaume
Meeting Minutes 2014-2017 (click here)
Next Meeting Date: TBD
Agenda (draft)
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