TO meeting minutes
Jennifer Zeiger
February 12, 2025
Attending: Kaia, Jon
EDDI side meeting update
Ideas discussed are on hold until DDI website update is further along
Still to think about content – to talk with Kathryn about approach
TWG IASSIST presentation approved
Update on grant training
Alina and Jon running
Met with group yesterday
Split sessions likely
Creation of new material - can help TWG
Question Working Group
Making best practice guides - new materials will crossover with training
What to do for EDDI 2025?
Want to do something broader this year
3rd track on EDDI for training, mentoring - timing TBD
Can use some existing materials, will need new additional
Plus additional ad hoc huddles
Other upcoming events?
Statistical agencies putting together a working group
Stats Netherlands taking the lead
Meeting next week, notice going out next month
May produce requests for training
October 9, 2024
Attending: Jennifer Zeiger, Chantal Vaillancourt, Julie Lenoir
General updates:
WestEd training October 11. Trainers Alina and Kathryn confirmed
EDDI Train the Trainers side meeting to take place all day Thursday, Dec 5
Ideas for what to include: add here: EDDI 2024 Train the Trainers
Opportunity to apply for funding for a Train the Trainers for French users, in English
Deadline for application is Nov 4
Timeframe flexible
Call will be repeated regularly, so this is not our only chance
One trainer probably available, perhaps more
Alina looking at the form and will get back to us
Who should principle person on project be? Chantal volunteers as principle. Alina can do coordination. In practice, share work.
Jennifer to send email
Include note on principle
Question - will this be in person?
Consider: Process for getting volunteers to provide training
Currently: refer to DDI Trainer Interest Questionnaire (Responses), contact all with relevant expertise. Recontact individually after 1-2 weeks.
Other ideas?
Sept 11, 2024
EDDI Train the Trainers abstract submitted
Jennifer to send poll to TWG members re: interest in participating/leading
Jordan Gross-Richmond, AMS Analytics - requester stopped responding
Melissa Lee, WestEd
Tentatively scheduled for October 11, 18:00-19:30 CET.
Alina Danciu confirmed. Looking for 1-2 more.
EDDI train the trainers workshop
Time: 2 days at 3 hours each, or 1 day of 6 hours? Do we need more time?
TBD - what is easier on attendees?
Who can help run?
Currently: Catherine Yuen, Jennifer Zeiger, Alina Danciu listed
Send poll to TWG to ask who is going and interested?
Consensus - send poll
Irene, Kaia to see if going
Jennifer to collect materials from last year’s workshop
Abstract and organizational notes on EDDI 23 in-person workshop: 2023
Request 1: Jordan Gross-Richmond, AMS Analytics
Arofan contacted
“We are a small firm serving the non-profit sector. I am interested in identifying cataloging / defining standards for the loads of information we've already collected as well as setting the standard for what we will collect.”
Request 2: Melissa Lee, WestEd
hoping for a 1-2 hour session, sometime in September or October 2024. Requested September 18 (Wednesday) at 12pm PST / 3pm EST
DDIC and DDIL introduction
“We are a group of researchers working with quantitative data and are interested in learning how to align our codebooks/data to DDI standards for repositories such as ICPSR. We've spent some time digging into the resources on the DDI website but are still feeling like we don't have a grasp of how to do this. Thus, the training I'm seeking would be a "how to" session for DDI Lifecycle or Codebook.
To make the most of the speaker's time I'd also like to open this training up to all researchers at WestEd (not only members of the community of practice) as there may be some researchers not part of our group but would be interested in this so the speaker may also want to do a short intro to the "Why" and "Why" for DDI. ”
Attending: Jon, Chantal
Volunteer(s) to keep the Conference spreadsheet up to date?
Jon to help
Combine sources with Marketing
EDDI workshop
Deadline Sept 2
Alina Danciu will help organize
Train the Trainers event discussed in TWG at large
From Flavio: Perhaps have this event outside of EDDI?
Jon: 2-day after the conference in-person, working on the materials as well
Leaders? - bring to TWG
Split into groups, discuss
Look back to Dagstuhl - too broad?
Slides in development? Topics to revisit?
Discuss mappings? Or relation to GSIM - relates to focus on NSO
Requests from other groups/standards? - CDI working on this
Maybe hold as webinars? - to check in with Alicia (Jennifer to bring this up in next week’s TWG chairs meeting)
Too soon for December
Attending: Kaia, Chantal, Flavio
Subgroup membership / inclusion on confluence list (TO, Requests)
I’m paring down the email list and meeting invites for these groups so I only include those who want to be.
Opportunities subgroup members:
Identify relevant conferences and track submission deadlines
Determine workshop/event content
Write and submit proposals to the necessary organizations, or ask for volunteers from the TWG to do so
Find people to lead said workshop/event
Requests subgroup members:
Determine how to best meet a requester’s needs
When we need to organize a training, we’ll discuss it during one or more regular Training Opps meeting(s)
I’ll notify members as much in advance as possible when these discussions are to take place
If we need to for any reason, we can schedule a separate meeting instead
Volunteer(s) to keep the Conference spreadsheet up to date?
To revisit next meeting
UN World Data Forum blog ( )
Thematic areas:
Deadline 30 November
Any volunteers to draft an email to the Training Working Group asking for writer(s)? Jennifer will write this
EDDI workshop
Deadline Sept 2
Alina Danciu will help organize
Discussed it being a Train the Trainers event
Perhaps have this event outside of EDDI
DDI is huge
Discuss mappings? Or relation to GSIM - relates to focus on NSO
Requests from other groups/standards? - CDI working on this
Maybe hold as webinars? - check in with Alicia
This coming EDDI might be too soon
Apr 10, 2024
Attending: Catherine Yuen, Alicia Urquidi Diaz, Nicole James, Kaia Kulla, Irene Koraki Folli
Admin items:
New meeting time?
Maybe start earlier, same day
Do you want to be included on future emails and meeting invites?
Catherine may not make the meetings, but inclusion on emails OK
Start working on assessing, collecting, and (later) producing the materials needed for training
Discuss DDI Audiences document (DDI Audiences and Products.docx)
Alicia: Great effort, clarity is valuable
Is the classification and definition of audiences good enough?
How to make sure we have a useful classification and description of needs
Worth the effort? Good to have overview, and prioritize different ones
Focus on activities rather than roles. This can make it more targeted. Target on the activity rather than the role/job
There’s a lot of crossover between different roles
Look at data lifecycle and divide it into specific activities
Kaia: add link to statisticians needed
Activity is closely related to role they play - audience not wholly ignorable - it can create issues to not include audience in plans
Differences in how roles are named and how they function between places
Need to include data stewards, not just look at universities
Irene: Do we have statistics on who is using it/how it’s used? Should focus on biggest group of users
Jennifer: Audience division might be more helpful for website, specific task might be more useful for designing training
Researchers - depends on field and researcher how relevant DDI understanding will be
Distinguish between researchers as producers and as reusers to focus WG activities most helpfully
Audience vs activity
Create table of activities and roles? - need more research to make role-based categories to work
Concentrate on activity, role, or functions (what it’s possible to do)
There must be connections between all these angles
ACTION: Alicia to create table of Audiences and Roles as they stand now
Which audience would be best to initially focus on?
Who are the majority of users?
Among data producers and researchers, there’s a lot of variation it might be interesting to parse out. Some cases, they’re the same, sometimes researchers are the ones creating, managing, searching for, etc
Focus on activity over role?
Data producers and researchers seem intuitive place to start (data production and data reusing)
Review layout and contents of
Training request procedure
First response email: Updated_Email to training requests
Update spreadsheet (Training requests detailed)
Assess size and topic of need:
If should be pointed elsewhere: Put requester in contact with them
If need training: in Training Reqs meeting, determine…
Type of training needed (size of group, language, time)
Subject of training
Relevant trainer(s)
Contact trainer(s), organize meeting time(s)
If necessary: Hold preliminary meeting among trainers to determine course of action
After meeting: update training requests spreadsheets
Mar 13, 2024
Attendees: Catherine Yuen, Kaia Kulla, Jennifer Zeiger, Jieun Jeong
Overview of scope
Review of upcoming conferences ( )
EDDI (December) - Train the Trainers
SciDataCon (October?) - ACTION: JZ to check on proposal submitted for 2024
Review spreadsheet: Other conferences to add? Conferences to remove?
Standing training requests - Anna Tominaga
“I worked for a large clinical trial which is now a cohort study of the same participants. We are a long running trial and are looking to better organise, store and make use of our metadata. I'm looking for standards and schemas to help me develop database tables to store the data in (we will likely use our own programmer to make this metadata searchable on a platform). So I'm really looking for guidelines on what key metadata I should be including, how the data should be structured, common terms that should be used etc.”\
Doesn’t want to use Colectica
Use of overlap, communication between DDI and Generic Statistical Information Model?
Differences - labeling; variable cascade is opposite
Mapping exists
Discuss creation of training request procedure
Current procedure:
Request comes in
Jennifer contacts them, provides links to existing resources, requests more information
If resources do not answer needs: organize virtual session
Spanish Statistical agency contacted Estonian after EDDI 2023
Met earlier this year, meeting again in April