Minneapolis Sprint, May 2015

Minneapolis Sprint, May 2015


The sprint will focus on Release 3, which is currently proposed to include the components described below. These will be confirmed and further developed through consultation currently under way with the user community. There will also be further work done on the production framework.

More information on the status of the modeling effort is available at lion.ddialliance.org/.

  • Enhanced Citation. This will introduce and formalize the structure for different (non-annotation) description types: attribution (citation), sourcing, and characterization. These would be available to all versionable objects. This is needed to support the description of new forms of data capture such as medical instruments and tests as well as provide clear provenance at the object level.

  • Methodology. This complex area will be modeled to the extent possible during the week. The intent is to scope this area before the May 2015 Sprint so that the parameters of Methodology are well understood by Sprint participants. The work will describe the study design specifications underlying the conduct of a research/business project. This is distinct from the execution of the design – which is captured elsewhere (in Data Collection, Fieldwork, Data Processing and Data Analysis) – but should be able to be related to the execution in the conduct of the study. There are a variety of possible areas to cover such as study inception, data management planning, survey development, sampling, weighting, estimation, imputation, etc.

  • Production Framework. Features identified in previous sprints, but not yet implemented, will be added to the Production Framework for all of the DDI 4 work outputs. Further, changes suggested during the Q1 and Q2 reviews will be implemented.

Location maps and travel information 

Parking Lot
  • Production pipeline tool in Atlassian product instead of Drupal
  • Process vs Methodology - Upper Model (Jay)
  • What does lifecycle mean?
  • What is the definition of a view (i.e. are associations to eternal classes involved in the view? How about properties? Can we "restrict" them?)
  • Production Team: Persisting one-level inheritance from abstract classes into PSM? (Oliver)
  • Revision of Process Model
  • DocBook vs. other formats for PDF (for documentation output?)
  • Representation vs. datatype in model - consistency issues


NoFirst NameLast NameInstitutionEmail
1AnitaRochaUniversity of Washingtonalrocha@u.washington.edu
2ArofanGregoryOpen Data Foundationarofan.gregory@earthlink.net
3BarryRadlerMIDUS - University of   Wisconsin-Madisonbradler@wisc.edu
5DanielGillmanU.S. Bureau of Labor Statisticsgillman.daniel@bls.gov
6FlavioRizzoloStatistics Canadaflavio.rizzolo@statcan.gc.ca
7JayGreenfieldBooz Allan Hamilton (BAH)greenfield_jay@bah.com
9JoachimWackerowGESIS - Leibniz Institute for   the Social Sciencesjoachim.wackerow@gesis.org
10JohanFihnSwedish National Data Archive   (SND)johan.fihn@snd.gu.se
11JohannaVomprasUniversity Library Bielefeldjohanna.vompras@uni-bielefeld.de
12LarryHoyleUniversity of Kansaslarryhoyle@ku.edu
13MarcelHebingGerman Socio-Economic Panel   Study (SOEP), German Institute for Econmic Researchmhebing@diw.de
15OliverHoptGESIS - Leibniz Institute for   the Social Sciencesoliver.hopt@gesis.org
16OlofOlssonSwedish National Data Archive   (SND)olof.olsson@snd.gu.se
17SimonLloydAustralian Bureau of Statisticssimon.lloyd@abs.gov.au
18SteveMcEachernAustralian Data Archive at ANUsteven.mceachern@anu.edu.au
19WendyThomasMinnesota Population Center   (MPC)wlt@umn.edu
20Anders SwendsrudMinnesota Population Center   (MPC)aswendsr@umn.edu

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