UML Constructs

Used for DDI 4 | Copenhagen sprint, 25 November 2015

List of elements:

➔       Composition

➔       Aggregation

➔       Simple Association/Relationship

➔       Dependencies (as notes).

➔       Generalization

➔       Directed relationship (not used - use in future)

➔       Classes

➔       Abstract classes

➔       Packages

➔       Data types (as classes)

➔       Enumerations (as classes)

➔       native uml data types (there are only four)


➔       Restricted use of classes (e.g., no methods): properties, relationships, names, annotations

➔       We need something for documentation

➔       We wanted to restrict ourselves to the XSD primitives.

The list of primitives in Drupal shows what we are using:

➔       xs:boolean

➔       xs:date

➔       xs:decimal

➔       xs:integer

➔       xs:string

➔       xs:anyURI

➔       xs:double

➔       xs:float

➔       xs:dateTime

➔       xs:language


➔       xhtml:BlkNoForm.mix

➔       xs:NMTOKEN

➔       xs:NMTOKENS

(The issue is DMT-16 for incomplete list of XSD primitives.)

This should be a review of the XML schema datatypes.

➔       We could do use cases in future

➔       We could do interfaces in future (PSM level for Java)

➔       We could use directed relationships if needed (avoid if we can)

➔       We could conceivably use stereotypes (avoid if we can)

We should document specifically cardinalities and other style aspects (like naming conventions).