Technical work at sprint

Technical work at sprint






New visualisations (Franck)

DDI 4 Process.odp

DDI 4 Process.pdf

Old production workflow Vancouver – DEPRECATED!!!

New production workflow Toronto

Content Capture is Drupal; this is the source of truth until all content modelling is complete. UML Class Model is EA, which becomes the source of truth once the content modelling is finished and been OK'd by the first review with the modelling team. Drupal must always be kept in synch with EA - this means we need to update packages for each object in library, and any other changes.

Plan of Attack

1. Achim to take issues 5 and 6, and get XSLTs, mapping docs, and issues list(s) up on Wiki (tick)

2. Exploration of XMI and EA documentation flows in and out - can EA/XMI handle inline DocBook?

3. Table issues 1, 2, 7, 9, 10, and 11 for now.

4. Based on outcome of step 2, address the documentation-related issues (3, 4, and 8): http://www.eadocx.com/

5. XMI export from Drupal seems dodgy - investigate!


Goal for this week is to do a prototype production run on some part of the model, to test the process!


DDI4 is the Model

The Model is divided into:

  •     The Library
  •     Functional Views


The Library is made of UML Packages

  •     The Core Package is made of Primitives and Extended Primitives

    Primitives and Extended Primitives are Objects

    Extended Primitives are based (specify) on Primitives

  •     The other Packages are made of sub-Packages or Objects


Functional Views are also UML Packages and are made of references to Objects of the Library or constraints applied to Objects of the Library. A Functional View cannot be included in another.


This is a revised list of what products will be released:

Whole Model:

  1. A PDF specification of the entirety of DDI 4. (Needs high-level documentation)
  2. An EA file containing DDI 4 (also the XMI)
  3. HTML documentation for DDI 4 (Needs high-level documentation)
    For each Functional View:
  4. PDF specification of the view (Needs high-level doc)
  5. XSD for the View (with field-level documentation inline)
  6. Clickable XSD documentation (created using the same tool as other versions of DDI-Lifecycle)
  7. View OWL (in TURTL?) - field level doc as comments
  8. View HTML documentation for OWL
  9. View model documentation in HTML
  10. The production framework itself as a toolkit for those making their own views.

Note that this is a list of technical deliverables - #1 is the most comprehensive and authoritative document from a standards perspective. From a communications perspective, the views will likely be more important, since the deliverables around the whole model are intended for those making their own views.