Qualitative Data Subgroup

This page is meant to provide information about the new subgroup under DDI-CDI dealing with qualitative data . It was initiated at Dagstuhl 2023 as https://ddi-alliance.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DDI4/pages/2955837553 Here you will find important documentation and information about the group, its purpose, members and useful links and materials.

Purpose of the group

In general, the goal of the group is to provide the means (using DDI-CDI) to render qualitative data (see definition above) in an interoperable way, so that any researcher, regardless of their research methods or discipline, can employ it for their own research questions and eventually combine it with other data.

Anyone interested in contributing to this work should contact us

You can read about the Qualitative Data Subgroup within DDI-CDI in this presentation:



This group is focused on the description of qualitative data coming from any discipline or domain, as an extension of the DDI-CDI model, so that it can be exchanged, managed, and analyzed together with or independent of quantitative data.

Like other parts of DDI-CDI, this work is intended to complement other, domain-agnostic standards such as those coming from the W3C.

Qualitative data is generally understood to be that data not intended to be described using the existing DDI-CDI model, which is mostly designed for data structured in a tabular form, consisting primarily of numeric and coded measurements and their supporting attributes.

Qualitative data is data such as images, video, audio, free text, and similar types of resources used as the source of research.

This model will be aligned with the existing DDI-CDI model to the greatest reasonable extent, and will - like the description of quantitative data - avoid the embedding of domain-specific methods and semantics, to make the model as general as possible.

The model will attempt to describe generic aspects of qualitative data, including both logical and physical structures and arrangements, and relationship to external controlled vocabularies, classifications, and ontologies as a source of domain semantics.

The goal is to provide a sufficient description of the data so that it can be exchanged, managed, and reused in analysis in a machine-actionable fashion.





Noemi Betancort



Kati Mozygemba


Arofan Gregory



Hilde Orten



Dan Gillman 



Filipi Miranda Soares



Larry Hoyle



Darren Bell



Paula Checchia



Sebastian Karcher



Dessislava Kirilova



Meeting time

Meeting time

Regular meeting time for Qualitative Data DDI-CDI-Subgroup. The meeting will take place EVERY 2 WEEKS Friday at 0800 Minneapolis, 0900 New York/Ottawa, 1500 Central European.

Meeting dates: every 2 weeks


Meeting Documents

Meeting Documents



Useful links

Useful links