Qualitative Data Subgroup

Qualitative Data Subgroup

This page is meant to provide information about the new subgroup under DDI-CDI dealing with qualitative data . It was initiated at Dagstuhl 2023 as Non-Numeric, Non-Code Datums Here you will find important documentation and information about the group, its purpose, members and useful links and materials.

Purpose of the group

The goal of the group is to provide the means (using DDI-CDI) to render qualitative data (see definition above) in an interoperable way, so that any researcher, regardless of their research methods or discipline, can employ it for their own research questions and eventually combine it with other data.

Anyone interested in contributing to this work should contact us (Email addresses below)

You can read about the origins of the Qualitative Data Subgroup within DDI-CDI in this presentation:


For an introduction to the scope of our work, see the slides



the poster https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14039150

This group is focused on the description of qualitative data coming from any discipline or domain, as an extension of the DDI-CDI model, so that it can be exchanged, managed, and analyzed together with or independent of quantitative data.

Like other parts of DDI-CDI, this work is intended to complement other, domain-agnostic standards such as those coming from the W3C.

Qualitative data is generally understood to be that data not intended to be described using the existing DDI-CDI model, which is mostly designed for data structured in a tabular form, consisting primarily of numeric and coded measurements and their supporting attributes.

Qualitative data is data such as images, video, audio, free text, and similar types of resources used as the source of research.

This model will be aligned with the existing DDI-CDI model to the greatest reasonable extent, and will - like the description of quantitative data - avoid the embedding of domain-specific methods and semantics, to make the model as general as possible.

The model will attempt to describe generic aspects of qualitative data, including both logical and physical structures and arrangements, and relationship to external controlled vocabularies, classifications, and ontologies as a source of domain semantics.

The goal is to provide a sufficient description of the data so that it can be exchanged, managed, and reused in analysis in a machine-actionable fashion.





Noemi Betancort



Kati Mozygemba


Arofan Gregory



Hilde Orten



Dan Gillman 



Filipi Miranda Soares



Darren Bell



Sebastian Karcher



Elizabeth Lea (Libby) Bishop



Meeting time and group communication

Meeting time and group communication

Regular meeting time for Qualitative Data DDI-CDI-Subgroup. The meeting will take place EVERY 2 WEEKS Friday at 08:00 Minneapolis, 09:00 New York/Ottawa, 15:00 Central European.

Meeting dates: every 2 weeks

Please use the prefix [qd] for the Qualitative Data subgroup when communicating to the DDI-CDI mailing list

Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes

qd meeting minutes

Meeting Documents

Working documents

Use case Template

Current work area : Review of proposed amendments

Dec 5, 2024

Proposed amendments to DDI-CDI 1.0 to accommodate qualitative data are under review and will be sent to the TC when agreed by the group

We have started to collect use cases information and are currently evaluating one use case with social media data and other one with data from a mixed methods social science study.

Use cases are examples of studies or datasets in which qualitative data is being/has been collected and has the potential to be reused in other studies and/or disciplines, or combined with other (e.g. quantitative) data.

More use cases are welcome! Please contact noemi.betancort@suub.uni-bremen.de

Scope: Gather information on existing national and international case studies that illustrate use cases related to non-numeric, qualitative data.

Goal: We are pursuing the goal of finding out how to provide non-numeric / qualitative data so that it is ready for (re)analysis. With the use cases we will get an overview of the different types of qualitative data, how researchers or data curators work with them and what they need/do to prepare them for analysis, for combination with other collected data, or for use in different softwares.



Useful links

Useful links

DDI-CDI „Selector“ Field Level Documentation: : Selector — UML Model: DDI Cross Domain Integration (DDI-CDI 1.0)

Web Annotation Data Model: W3C Recommendation 23 February 2017. Web Annotation Data Model

Web Annotation Vocabulary: W3C Recommendation 23 February 2017. Web Annotation Vocabulary

Media Fragments URI 1.0 (basic): W3C Recommendation 25 September 2012. Media Fragments URI 1.0 (basic)

Selectors Level 3: W3C Recommendation 06 November 2018. Selectors Level 3


Qualitative Data and DDI: Chances to move forward

DDI Alliance Annual Meeting of the Scientific Community, May 2024 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11463891

Improving interdisciplinary research with cross-domain metadata for qualitative data objects. Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) Conference 2024 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14039150

Links to related pages

Cross Domain Integration (CDI) Working Group (parent group)


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