SDTL Working Group on July 16, 2020

Video of this meeting available at:


  1. Changes to WG pages ( )

    1. George pointed out additions to the WG page on the DDI Alliance Confluence site.

  2. Pending changes to SDTL from the last C2Metadata meeting

    1. There is now a page for recording proposed changes to SDTL at

    2. The page includes 4 changes discussed at the C2Metadata Project meeting on July 10. Only one of these changes would modify the SDTL schema. The other changes are conventions for creating SDTL that will be recorded in the "SDTL Best Practices and Conventions" of the SDTL User Guide

  3. Comments received: None received at meeting time

  4. Other

    1. Tommy asked if a schema is available for SDTL

    2. Jeremy explained that schemas in several formats are part of the SDTL download package created by the COGS system, which is available here