SDTL Working Group 18 February 2021

SDTL Working Group 18 February 2021

Recordings of this meeting are at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ibh4ARd1nYwlX67k7Su_jDZ1t_AoIK6_

  1. Announcements

    1. There is good news on the effort to extend SDTL to cover results from statistical analysis commands. George, Dara, and Jim are working on a grant proposal to a collaborative program between NSF in the US and UK research councils. This program requires prior approval before proposals can be considered. We learned today that the UK Economic and Social Research Council has approved our request to consider this proposal. The proposal is being developed in partnership with the STATO ontology of statistics at the University of Oxford e-Research Centre and statisticians at the University of Michigan.

    2. George submitted a paper proposal for the International Data Curation Conference in April. We hope to submit two proposals for the Provenance 2021 conference in June: one on SDTL RDF and ProvONE by Tim, Thomas, and Bertram; and one on SDTL and C2Metadata by George.

    3. Thomas talked about his progress translating SDTL JSON into RDF. He has created a Python library that is ready for testing.

    4. Ornulf discussed plans to use SDTL in the Norwegian Open Research Data Infrastructure that the Norwegian Data Centre is building. The new platform is based on DDI Lifecyle, and it uses components from Colectica and tools that NSD is writing in Python.

  2. There were no changes to SDTL to discuss this month.

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