SDTL Working Group 21 January 2021

SDTL Working Group 21 January 2021

  1. Announcements

    1. There are two conferences coming up where we are interested in giving presentations about SDTL and C2Metadata

      1. International Digital Curation Conference19 April 2021

      2. Provenance Week 2021 (July 19-22)

      3. IDCC is mostly about research data management. Provenance Week is primarily computer scientists.

    2. SDTL extension proposal

      1. Work on the proposal to extend SDTL to cover data from statistical models is progressing. We will be submitting through NSF for collaborative funding in the UK.

    3. Thomas and Tim report very good progress on querying combined SDTL and ProvONE RDF.

  2. SDTL issues

    1. ArgumentName in SDTL function calls

      1. There is a contradiction between the SDTL COGS schemas and advice in the Best Practices documentation. In COGS ArgumentName is a required property, but it is described as optional in the Best Practices document. George asked for help resolving this contradiction.

      2. Both approaches have advantages, and there was no clear choice.

      3. After discussion, we decided to make ArgumentName required and to update the documentation.

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