Modelling Notes


Complex Data Types (used to be Extended Primitives):

To hold the actual value of an object, the primitive should not be extended. Instead, a field with the name of "content" of the primitive type should be declared.

For any given object with an xml:lang property, it should be called xml:lang, with a type of xs:language. Thjis will appear in the schema as an xml:lang attribute. Other language properties should be given a type of xs:language, and they will become elements with te xs:language content type.

We need to discuss how dates are modeled, since the existing 3.2 union class is very XML-centric.

The XHTML binding needs also to be discussed, as this is very XML-centric.

For the XML binding, all relationships become Reference elements with a defauled attribute of "isExternal"  to a value of "false" (the referenced object is part of the View. If set to "true", it is a reference to an object outside the view. The view corresponds to the XML instance. Do we want to use this mechanism?