Modelling Team
Modelling Team
Current Activities:
- Order relationships - abstract pattern, business rules for creating classes, applied usage
- Provide contents of Q2 2016 release to TC (2016-04 MT) [DMT-40, DMT-54]
- Usage guide to modelers for Lion - packages, views, applying patterns, RDF equality, naming designation, related DDI elements, related GSIM objects (2016-04 WT, JJ, FR) [DMT-28, DMT-34, DMT-49]
- Usage guides for creating metadata instances for each binding type (send to TC for completion 2016-04) - overlapping usage and binding specific usage patterns (commonalities and differences) (2015-12 WT)
- High level documentation on production process - what happens during transformation steps and how this informs how this is effected by the model - differences in bindings (2016-06 OH)[DMT-23, DMT-45, DMT-50]
- More specific documentation on the bindings - building on the documents from Copenhagen Sprint with a high level description (2016-04 OH) [DMT-51]
- Metadata instances being able to roundtrip between bindings - rules need to be defined in both directions (2016-12 JW) [DMT-52]
- Decide if round-tripping needs to involve the PIM or just the PSM/Bindings; determine what needs to get specified prior to Q2-2016 release - include used defined subset of UML document (Copenhagen) as input to discussion (2016-01 JW)
- Design patterns - review of current and possible additional patterns (2016-09 JW, FR, WT) [DMT-32]
- Codebook special release - requires working closely with the codebook team (2016-06 OH, WT, DG) [DMT-55]
Final modelling documents
Description of topic | Date of completion |
Relation class and subtypes - basis of model for development review | 2015-08-12 |
Classifications and Order Relations with Controlled Vocabularies - use with above | 2015-08-12 |
Specification of Relation Type Options - this spreadsheet will be added to as use cases arise | 2015-08-26 |
XMI Flavor for DDI | 2015-11-25 |
XMI as a Work Product (Full, Summary) | 2015-11-26 |
Documents from Copenhagen Sprint 2016 on Bindings, Repository Structure, and Drupal on Production Process and Tools Support page | 2015-11-26 |
Binary Relationships in Collections (image 1) (image 2) | 2016-02-10 |
Ability to Round-Trip Between Bindings | 2007-07-06 |
this documents list needs to be sorted into final and discussion and moved accordingly
Documents | Progress so far |
Process Collections | Proposal (Draft) |
Communications Document for Content Modellers | Needs Review |
Overall advice from TC on items below | Report to Modelers |
Relating to other standards | |
Web services | Proposal |
Identification | Proposal |
Containership and Reference: Rules for defining when an object is contained as a property or referenced and what the reference structure includes | see TC minutes |
Grouping: Mechanism for grouping metadata for management purposes | see TC minutes |
Administrative metadata: DDI 3.2 administrative metadata (non-payload) | Proposal |
Name,Label, Description: Registry based information ISO 11179-5 | see TC minutes |
Summary of Actions Requested by TC as of 2014-10-27 | see Proposal |
Collection/Group Proposal from TC 2014-11-11 (modeling issue raised in Email Chain with background material) | see Proposal plus |
Issues in JIRA document | see Document |
Evolution document | see Document |
Process model as revised 2015-10-18 | see Document |
Binding model as revised 2015-10-18 | see Document |
Binding and Intermediate Framework (Proposal from Minneapolis Sprint on creating PIM and PSM approach to creating bindings) | see Document |
An RDF Schema/OWL Binding for the DDI Model v.3.1 (from Richard Cyganiak) | see Document |
XML Binding from the DDI Model - link to current version in Bitbucket | See Document |
Links to more information
Team Organization (meeting times and members)
Production Process and Tools Support
JIRA Issue Trackers
Sandbox - Discussion area
- External Evaluation work from Dagstuhl Sprint
- Use Cases for model evaluation/testing
- Link to GitHub repository of transformation documents
- /wiki/spaces/TOOLAD/overview(for DDI Administrative work)
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