Modelling Team

Modelling Team

Purpose of the Modelling Team

The Modelling Team is responsible for clarifying the design rules, standard formats and features, and general purpose content for the DDI UML model. The Team works with business content teams and their leaders in order to instantiate DDI objects described in lion.ddialliance.org as UML classes and Functional Views. A subsidiary group within the Modelling Team is the Production Process and Tools Support group who are responsible for maintaining the Drupal tool at lion.ddialliance.org, supporting the capture of high level documentation as managed text and images, and creating the programing required to move content from the UML model expressed as XMI to the binding implementations (currently XML and RDF). The Modelling Team provides the completed package of output for development draft review and passes it to the DDI Technical Committee for release for review. The work of the Documentation Working Group is of major interest to this team.
Current Activities:
  • Order relationships - abstract pattern, business rules for creating classes, applied usage  
  • Provide contents of Q2 2016 release to TC (2016-04 MT) [DMT-40, DMT-54]
  • Usage guide to modelers for Lion - packages, views, applying patterns, RDF equality, naming designation, related DDI elements, related GSIM objects (2016-04 WT, JJ, FR) [DMT-28, DMT-34, DMT-49]
  • Usage guides for creating metadata instances for each binding type (send to TC for completion 2016-04) - overlapping usage and binding specific usage patterns (commonalities and differences) (2015-12 WT)
  • High level documentation on production process - what happens during transformation steps and how this informs how this is effected by the model - differences in bindings (2016-06 OH)[DMT-23, DMT-45, DMT-50]
  • More specific documentation on the bindings - building on the documents from Copenhagen Sprint with a high level description (2016-04 OH) [DMT-51]
  • Metadata instances being able to roundtrip between bindings - rules need to be defined in both directions (2016-12 JW) [DMT-52]
  • Decide if round-tripping needs to involve the PIM or just the PSM/Bindings; determine what needs to get specified prior to Q2-2016 release - include used defined subset of UML document (Copenhagen) as input to discussion (2016-01 JW)
  • Design patterns - review of current and possible additional patterns (2016-09 JW, FR, WT) [DMT-32]
  • Codebook special release - requires working closely with the codebook team (2016-06 OH, WT, DG) [DMT-55]
Final modelling documents
Description of topic                                                                                                                                                         Date of completion
Relation class and subtypes - basis of model for development review 2015-08-12
Classifications and Order Relations with Controlled Vocabularies - use with above 2015-08-12
Specification of Relation Type Options - this spreadsheet will be added to as use cases arise 2015-08-26
XMI Flavor for DDI 2015-11-25
XMI as a Work Product (Full, Summary) 2015-11-26
Documents from Copenhagen Sprint 2016 on Bindings, Repository Structure, and Drupal on Production Process and Tools Support page 2015-11-26
Binary Relationships in Collections (image 1) (image 2) 2016-02-10
Ability to Round-Trip Between Bindings2007-07-06
this documents list needs to be sorted into final and discussion and moved accordingly
DocumentsProgress so far
Process CollectionsProposal (Draft)
Communications Document for Content ModellersNeeds Review
Overall advice from TC on items belowReport to Modelers

Relating to other standards


Web servicesProposal

Containership and Reference: Rules for defining when an object is contained as a property or referenced and what the reference structure includes

see TC minutes

Grouping: Mechanism for grouping metadata for management purposes

see TC minutes

Administrative metadata: DDI 3.2 administrative metadata (non-payload)


Name,Label, Description: Registry based information ISO 11179-5


see TC minutes

Summary of Actions Requested by TC as of 2014-10-27see Proposal
 Collection/Group Proposal from TC 2014-11-11 (modeling issue raised in Email Chain with background material)

 see Proposal plus


 Issues in JIRA document see Document
 Evolution document see Document
Process model as revised 2015-10-18see Document
Binding model as revised 2015-10-18see Document
Binding and Intermediate Framework (Proposal from Minneapolis Sprint on creating PIM and PSM approach to creating bindings)see Document
An RDF Schema/OWL Binding for the DDI Model v.3.1 (from Richard Cyganiak)see Document
XML Binding from the DDI Model - link to current version in BitbucketSee Document
Links to more information
Design Frameworks

Design Decisions Framework

UML Constructs in DDI

RDF-XML Namespaces

RDF Notes

Production Workflow - Concept (image)

Production Workflow - Status Quo (image)

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