Modeling Team Work Page
- Wendy Thomas
- Kelly A Chatain (Unlicensed)
- Larry Hoyle
- Jon Johnson
Page Organization
This page will be used to track daily work activities and assignments during the sprint. All papers/products resulting from this week's work should be deposited here (no google doc links) so that they can be appropriately linked to the MT page and/or JIRA issues following the sprint.
Oliver manually built schemas for each day of the sprint. We discovered that some essential xsd files that would normally be injected by the production process were initially not present. The following must be present in the same folder as the View schema file (e.g. "SimpleCodebookView_4-DR0.2.xsd"):
- xml.xsd
- ddi-xhtml11.xsd
- ddi-xhtml11-model-1.xsd
- ddi-xhtml11-modules-1.xsd
and the folder
They can be found in any of the builds available in lion from October.
Wendy’s meeting goals
StudyRelated is not strong enough yet
Patterns serve to simplify the model (e.g. signification). Jay’s example he modeled National Children’s study using methodology pattern.
O Do: document what the patters do – words and diagram
Inventory of patterns
· ProcessPattern
· SignificationPattern
· CollectionsPattern
· MethodologyPattern
We need not only a mapping but also an actual a web site or a program that takes something that they do in 3 and represents it in 4.
Our standard needs to consider that it is implementable. Patterns are abstract – how are they implemented?
DDI4 is a concept based model of describing data without a tool for describing a concept system (e.g. XKOS).
DDI4 discovery at Datum level – not supported in 3
Descriptive, vs actionable metadata
We need to say what we are not going to do.
How do patterns interoperate, cover interoperate, implemented
Can we get discovery, actionable metadata?
People are wanting to produce real metadata from Stata, etc. – they have funding.
Both expecting someone to read (descriptive), and also to drive systems (actionable).
Structure for enabling discovery and for guiding entry of metadata.
We have a lot of placeholders for controlled vocabularies that we don’t have.
What do we need to link back to original sources?
3 had a good conceptual map of how it was structured and there was a single entry point. You could see where you fit into that model. We still have to be able to demonstrate that there are multiple entry and end points that this model can support.
Study related is probably not strong enough how it stands.
If we can get the pattern relationships clear we can use it as a basis for describing a lot of the overall activities from the patterns
If we do the 10 mile out view and how well our current pattens describe things we may find other patterns falling out of this that we don't currently have.
ACTION: an image of how these patterns fit together
Inventory of patterns, what they do, how they fit together, how they relate to the way things fit together before
Methodologies include process and process is built on top of collections
Note any patterns that any new patterns that rise up should be noted and not delved into
We have to understand the transition path from 2 to 3 to 4 to make it implementable
Issue of tools and the commercial side: There is another web site that people can use to learn about Obamacare and we out to provide something comperable
is it helpful to think about interface between the different pattern
a tool to translate from 2 to 4, 3 to 4 to get people started
Implementers guidence
Content perspecitive guidence
One thing 4 provides in respect to 2 is that you can map the elements you have in 2.5 into 4 in a way that is not clear in 3
What we want people to do from 3 to 4 is deeper and broader
It's the story of a series of use cases
From the tehnical side is documentation of what it should look like, output concerning schema goes around that. Schema production from the actual classes works.
ACTION: What is the status of realizing the DDI 4 Technical goal
What are we not going to do based on what we have
If we start out looking at the patterns :
How they interoperate
How are they used
How they get implemented
Can we do a documentary information, discovery metadata (controlled vocabulary/structured documentary information), actionable metadata
On the actual metadata side we have very few people doing it are doing it into very constrained domains
ACTION: DDI coverage within the environment
Papers begun here will be continued with the following papers:
- Explain the Signification to the layman (Dan)
- Describe the relationship between the Collection Pattern and GSIM Node/Nodeset (Dan)
- Relating the collection algorithm to EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur form)
Collection Pattern June-July (need to complete this by end of July in order to update content for Codebook FV)
- Revise the new/proposed collection pattern based on Friday discussion (Wendy)
- Create realizations of basic types and create a View of these (Wendy)
- Generate a binding of the above (Oliver)
- Make examples using the XML generated from the realizations (Dan, Larry)
23 issues were raised during work of the Codebook group and the Modeling Team. 15 were entered in JIRA with the label "lawrence". They have been assigned to the appropriate working groups.
8 were corrected on site primarily to support the continued work of the Codebook group
Others have been assigned to specific working groups:
- 2 Data Description
- 1 Codebook working group
- 1 Documentation
- 11 Modeling Team
To view these issues (
File | Modified | |
Text File MondayNotes.txt |
May 29, 2017 by Wendy Thomas | |
Microsoft Word Document UsingRelationshipsInDDI4.docx |
May 29, 2017 by Larry Hoyle | |
Microsoft Word Document environment-coverage.docx |
May 29, 2017 by Wendy Thomas | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Using Patterns v1.pptx |
May 30, 2017 by Wendy Thomas | |
Text File PatternRealizationFV-rules.txt |
May 30, 2017 by Wendy Thomas | |
Microsoft Word Document WhatisDDI4andwhatisitsstate.docx |
May 30, 2017 by Wendy Thomas | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ResultOfCollectionChange.pptx Draft - incomplete |
May 31, 2017 by Wendy Thomas | |
Text File collectionAlgabraRules.txt |
Jun 01, 2017 by Wendy Thomas | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation DDI Views and the DDI User.pptx |
Jun 01, 2017 by Wendy Thomas | |
Text File newCollectionNotes.txt |
Jun 01, 2017 by Wendy Thomas | |
Text File SignificationPattern.txt |
Jun 01, 2017 by Wendy Thomas | |