Dagstuhl Sprint, October 2014
Kelly A Chatain (Unlicensed)
Therese Lalor (Unlicensed)
No | First Name | Last Name | Institution | Email Address |
1 | Kelly | Chatain | University of Michigan | kchatain@umich.edu |
2 | Daniel | Gillman | Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) | gillman.daniel@bls.gov |
3 | Jay | Greenfield | Booz, Allen, Hamilton | greenfield_jay@bah.com |
4 | Arofan | Gregory | Open Data Foundation | arofan.gregory@earthlink.net |
5 | Denis | Grofils | Eurostat | denis.grofils@ec.europa.eu |
6 | Larry | Hoyle | Institute for Policy & Social Research, University of Kansas | larryhoyle@ku.edu |
7 | Sam | Hume | CDISC | shume@cdisc.org |
8 | Sanda | Ionescu | University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research | sandai@umich.edu |
9 | Jeremy | Iverson | Colectica | jeremy@colectica.com |
10 | Jon | Johnson | Centre for Longitudinal Studies | j.johnson@ioe.ac.uk |
11 | John | Kunze | University of California | john.kunze@ucop.edu |
12 | Therese | Lalor | ABS - Australian Bureau of Statistics | therese.lalor@abs.gov.au |
13 | Jenny | Linnerud | Statistics Norway | jenny.linnerud@ssb.no |
14 | Justin | Lynch | ABS - Australian Bureau of Statistics | justin.lynch@abs.gov.au |
15 | Steve | McEachern | Australian Data Archive | steven.mceachern@anu.edu.au |
16 | Barry | Radler | MIDUS, Institute on Aging, University of Wisconsin | bradler@wisc.edu |
17 | Ørnulf | Risnes | Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD) | ornulf.risnes@nsd.uib.no |
18 | Chris | Seymour | Statistics New Zealand | chris.seymour@stats.govt.nz |
19 | Wendy | Thomas | Minnesota Population Center (MPC) | wlt@umn.edu |
20 | Mary | Vardigan | University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research | vardigan@umich.edu |
21 | Joachim | Wackerow | GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences | joachim.wackerow@gesis.org |
22 | Stuart | Weibel | OCLC - Online Computer Library Center | stuart.weibel@gmail.com |
23 | Knut | Wenzig | German Institute for Economic Research | kwenzig@diw.de |
24 | Michael | Witt | Purdue University Libraries | mwitt@purdue.edu |
25 | Wolfgang | Zenk-Möltgen | GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences | wolfgang.zenk-moeltgen@gesis.org |
Files to share with everyone:
File | Modified | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation DagstuhlSprint_Process_2014.pptx |
Oct 19, 2014 by Kelly A Chatain | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Participants_WorkingGroups_2014-10-09.xlsx |
Oct 20, 2014 by Kelly A Chatain | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Sprint 5 Intro-2.pptx |
Oct 21, 2014 by Mary Vardigan | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Controlled Vocabularies for DDI 4.pptx |
Oct 21, 2014 by Wiki Editor | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation jakyamz2014-141023213427-conversion-gate02.pptx |
Oct 24, 2014 by Mary Vardigan | |
PDF File Dagstuhl_report_2014_FINAL.pdf |
Nov 04, 2014 by Kelly A Chatain |