Simple Instrument/Complex Working Group





 One more Parking Lot item

Tried to introduce another object variously referred to as ExternalAid or OtherMaterial to refer to external stimulus materials used in data capture instruments (e.g. images, URNs, other stimulus material). But OtherMaterial already exists as an object in Simple Codebook. Where should OtherMaterial live? Can it live in two models at once?

 More Use Cases

 Simple Use Case1.1_Dagstuhl

* Use case 1.1: Simple Survey

+ ConceptualInstrument
- ImplementedInstrument
* Sequence (top level, type of ControlConstruct)
+ Statement (type of InstrumentComponent)
Dagstuhl would like your feedback to (1) provide feedback to 
organizers and participants, (2) improve our organization, and (3) for 
reports to our funding agencies. We will send you an email with 
seminar-related results of this survey.

Feedback is shared only in aggregated form that cannot be 
used to identify the origin of a statement or grade -- we guarantee your 
anonymity! However, if you rather not trust us, we are still very much 
interested in your feedback. We would be glad to receive an email from 
you at where you describe your experience in your own 
+ Instruction (type of InstrumentComponent)
Some questions might not apply to this seminar or your 
personal situation. Please skip any question that does not apply. 
Otherwise, please select the most appropriate answer.
+ Sequence: Trends and Changes (type of ControlConstruct)
- Question (type of Capture)
- QuestionText: Do you see trends or changes, at Schloss 
Dagstuhl or elsewhere, that we should resist or reverse? If so, what are 
- ResponseDomain: Text
- Question (type of Capture)
- QuestionText: Do you see trends or changes that we should 
pursue to ensure Schloss Dagstuhl's relevance?
- ResponseDomain: Text
+ Sequence: Personal Questions
- Question (type of Capture)
- QuestionText: Please rate your professional seniority
- ResponseDomain: Code
- Junior
- Senior
- Question (type of Capture)
- QuestionText: What is your primary occupation?
- ResponseDomain: Code
- Question (type of Capture)
- How many hours did it take you to get to the Schloss?
- ResponseDomain: Numeric
- Question (type of Capture)
- QuestionText: What is your country of residence?
- ResponseDomain: Code

 Tuesday session 2

Jay's Breakthrough:


This morning's diagram:


What is A? A is conceptual/ logical

What is B? B is the implemented one

But what are the relationships between A, B and Instrument Component?


 Tuesday Session 1

Use case – connect questions and statements as a grouped item. Reuse questions which need the associated statements etc

1: Capture could have a relationship to statement and to instruction indicating that these are components that should be used together. The example for this is question bank

2 (Current): There is no direct relationship between Question and statement. You have to go to the instrument Component to see the relationship. Instrument component is a container related to process model which gives you the sequencing. Instrument component is recursive.


Note instrument component is not correct it should be composition

Parking lot: Do we have only statement? Or do we need to add in external objects?


 Dagstuhl Monday afternoon part 2

What to do with Instructions?? Does it relate to Statement or Act? It is an object which related to Act.  

Question has a property of text.

Use cases

Survey example - Dagstuhl evaluation questionnaire

Note need to make sure our definitions are tight enough to give guidance to users on how to use objects appropriately

 Simple Use Case1_Dagstuhl

1 Simple Survey
* LogicalInstrument
   + Sequence (top level, type of ControlConstruct)
     - Statement (type of Act)
       Dagstuhl would like your feedback to (1) provide feedback to 
organizers and participants, (2) improve our organization, and (3) for 
reports to our funding agencies. We will send you an email with 
seminar-related results of this survey.

       Feedback is shared only in aggregated form that cannot be used to 
identify the origin of a statement or grade -- we guarantee your 
anonymity! However, if you rather not trust us, we are still very much 
interested in your feedback. We would be glad to receive an email from 
you at where you describe your experience in your own 
     - Instruction (type of Act)
       Some questions might not apply to this seminar or your personal 
situation. Please skip any question that does not apply. Otherwise, 
please select the most appropriate answer.
     - Sequence: Trends and Changes (type of ControlConstruct)
       * Question (type of Capture)
         - QuestionText: Do you see trends or changes, at Schloss 
Dagstuhl or elsewhere, that we should resist or reverse? If so, what are 
         - ResponseDomain: Text
       * Question (type of Capture)
         - QuestionText: Do you see trends or changes that we should 
pursue to ensure Schloss Dagstuhl's relevance?
         - ResponseDomain: Text
     - Sequence: Personal Questions
       * Question (type of Capture)
         - QuestionText: Please rate your professional seniority
         - ResponseDomain: Code
           - Junior
           - Senior
       * Question (type of Capture)
         - QuestionText: What is your primary occupation?
         - ResponseDomain: Code
       * Question (type of Capture)
         - How many hours did it take you to get to the Schloss?
         - ResponseDomain: Numeric
       * Question (type of Capture)
         - QuestionText: What is your country of residence?
         - ResponseDomain: Code


Parking lot - Question Grid and Question Block related to Capture

 Dagstuhl Monday afternoon

 Jay showed the process model to the group to begin thinking about how process model links in with instrument model.

We looked at simple process in Drupal. In 3.2 there is something called instrument control. In the process model it was called Act.

Jay: What happens to the instrument control? Do you pull in the control construct set of objects?

Logical instrument is the design of the data capture. It should point to the process model. It needs to be nailed down a bit. more. Would assume label, description etc in included. The GSIM questionnaire specification had useful text. This has a relationship with control construct (0..n)

Control Construct has subtype of Act and Capture is a subtype of Act. Act has a relationship to Statement. Statement is explanatory text etc. Need to set the scope

Capture has question and measure. Question is survey specific, Measurement is the more generic

Capture has response domain.

Instrument control defines how to administer the questionnaire. The sequencing and loops reside in process (in control construct). Use elements of process when it is needed. But can this handle the complicated use cases - example of blood pressure cuff. THIS IS CONTROL CONSTRUCT

Value Domain links to Response Domain

Parking lot - relationship to Conceptual objects, Question block

Next step is to start putting examples against this version of model.


Parking lot


relationship to Conceptual objects,

Question block

Question Grid and Question Block related to Capture


Do we have only statement? Or do we need to add in external objects?


This is a parking lot item. It is two new objects I would like to add at the "content level" to Measurement. Measurement would have 0..1 State and 0..1 Protocol. What is a state? What is this "protocol"? They are elements of an openEHR object called archetype. See

Booz Allen in its VA Health and CMS work and Sam here from CDISC have adopted archetypes as the de facto "data element" for measurements now. That is, State and Protocol are used to extend data elements.

Think of our  micro-array use case for instrument right now.  Here is the current state of instrument: Yesterday we were able to talk about the manufacturers of each micro-array in our use case in which there was one "conceptual" instrument and two "implemented" instruments by pulling in a machine agent from the process model and describing some of her properties.

Arguably the standard way is with Protocol. One property of Protocol is the Method. Each micro-array manufacturer has her own method. Furthermore, Protocol can grow to handle Formula. Think of a virtual micro-array. Someone like BAH or another group has built it. It is actually a derived variable. It gets it data from a formula. The formula is how we translate the results of the different methods (manufacturers) into a single yardstick – one SNP fits all. See

Leaving this second example aside which is perhaps a use case we might give more thought to in the context of provenance, were we to have a Protocol attached to a Measurement, the first example with two manufacturers is straightforward.



Other files to share:

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JPEG File 2014-10-21 12.15.12.jpg

Oct 21, 2014 by Therese Lalor (Unlicensed)

PNG File image2014-10-21 7:10:40.png

Oct 21, 2014 by Therese Lalor (Unlicensed)

JPEG File IMG_2774.JPG

Oct 21, 2014 by Therese Lalor (Unlicensed)

PNG File InstrumentUseCase1.png

Oct 22, 2014 by Wiki Editor

PNG File Slide1.PNG

Oct 22, 2014 by Wiki Editor

PNG File Slide2.PNG

Oct 22, 2014 by Wiki Editor

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Oct 22, 2014 by Wiki Editor