Mapping DDI

Mapping DDI


The following definitions are useful in determining what we mean by “mapping” for different audiences and different purposes. This should help in discussing and development mapping presentations for web pages and as tools for translating content between DDI Suite Products and between DDI Products and other standards. We need to create different levels of mapping to relay information to different groups for different purposes; from decision making to implementation.


  • Mapping – a detailed description of the similarities and differences between 2 objects or sets of objects relaying similar content or activity

    • Mapping at a conceptual level for example ala the Variable Cascade

    • Machine actionable mapping (leaf-to-leaf) requiring detailed breakdown

    • SKOS could be a good way to express the similarities and differences to express this in a machine actionable way

  • DDI Conceptual Model (1) - a model of the objects described by DDI focusing on points where objects relate to each other in terms of one object relaying information to a second object

  • Content Coverage - use of the DDI Suite Content Model to identify the subset of content objects addressed by a specific product

  • Content Comparison (2, 3) - Comparison of content objects or set of objects in 2+ products in terms of the depth/breadth of object description or how the objects are expressed in each product to support the same or different applications (such as concept management, concepts in the role of category, use as a representation)

  • Attachment Points – Points at which two objects relate or link to each other for a variety of purposes

    • Attribute to Object – links a descriptor to the object being described

    • Object to Object – role may depend on location

      • Same Region / Same Product

      • Different Region / Same Product

    • Attachment for the purpose of passing information between products or linking into an entry point

      • Product A / Product B (within DDI Suite of Products)

      • Product A / Product B (between standards)

        • Includes conceptual alignment which can be of greater concern that within the DDI Suite which tends to have an understood level of conceptual alignment





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