LOD Infrastructure

LOD Infrastructure

In order to maximize interoperability and re-use, both DDI CVs and XKOS should be available as machine-actionable RDF data.  As at September 2021, the XKOS ontology is already serialized as valid RDF data but is not hosted anywhere.   By contrast, DDI CVs are hosted by CESSDA on Google Cloud at https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/ but are not (yet) available as valid RDF data.

This work is moving forward with the support of the UKDA (Darren Bell) and GESIS (Oliver Hopt) and can be tracked from this page. PROGRESS TRACKING on LOD Infrastructure.

Set up steps




Specification of ETL process, object and version models


Coding, testing and deployment of ETL code to periodically migrate data into GitHub/BitBucket repos


Selection, configuration and setup of cloud K8S platform (including DNS configuration)


Design, testing and deployment of pipelines to publish from GitHub/BitBucket repos to Apache Fuseki.


User testing of endpoints


Write and publicize user documentation, write operational run-book.

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