Public Review - Codebook Version 2.6

Public Review - Codebook Version 2.6

Open for comments 12 September through 31 October 2022

Codebook Version 2.6 was created in response to issues filed by users regarding the need for personal identifiers within the Citation section, clearer and more consistent approach to the use of external controlled vocabularies, better support for the use of SDTL in Codebook, and the need for improved documentation at the element level as well as high-level information regarding managing identification, controlled vocabularies, geospatial content, and other cross-element usage.

To file an issue or make a comment:

Click HERE and complete the form to file an issue in the DDI-Codebook issue tracker

PLEASE provide your name and email in the body of the comment so that we can contact you if further discussion is needed.


Questions for Reviewers:

  • Do the additions to fields in Citation covering personal identifiers and persistent identifiers meet known needs?

  • Has new support for external controlled vocabularies been provided consistently? Was something missed?

  • Are instructions regarding identification usage clear and complete?

  • Are instructions regarding the use of external controlled vocabularies clear and complete?

  • Are expanded element level descriptions and examples sufficient?

  • Does the new Codebook Tree diagram of version 2.6 contents meet your needs? How could this be improved?

  • What additional documentation would be useful?

    • In particular, what else would be helpful in the high-level documentation?

  • Have we missed something critical?

Review Resources:

  • Codebook Version 2.6 review package (see zip file below)

    • Note that the Dublin Core and XML folder need to be located in the same folder as codebook.xsd for validation purposes

    • To review HTML field level documentation, click on “field_level_documentation.html” in the top level folder

  • DDI Codebook Development Work: pages of the group creating the new version and discussing future versions

  • Codebook Tree Diagram Version 2.6 (A text version is found in the review package)

  • Draft of High-Level Documentation

    • Coverage and content may be expanded

    • Presentation may be similar to the High-Level Documentation used by Lifecycle