Goals and Workplan for a Conceptual Model of Cross-DDI Product Objects
Use cases:
Variable Cascade including relationships between Lifecycle and CDI
Expressing physical content within different products
Bridge to CDI to disseminate content - variables (concepts, classifications), data relationships, logical and physical structures
Not a straight mapping project
Differentiating packaging from content - focus on core granular objects of interest
Automated transformation between products - presentation decisions may be down the road
Entry point into object and then what is being layered on by different products to facilitate specific use
Purpose based
Mapping to inform what is needed
Support a proliferation of serialization
Support transference of content between products
General Needs
SKOS provides a minimal set of information (code, label, identifier)
Need for Identifiers to support transport between different products (DDI and other)
What we mean in terms of basic objects
Identify those objects
Entry point to describe common objects
What is needed to describe differences/commonalities
Overall conceptual model
Differentiate basic objects (content) and packaging/management structures
Identify minimal set of information needed for objects
Mapping Examples
PRIORITY: Data description - Codebook to CDI and Lifecycle to CDI (outboard critical, inbound needed)
CDI - content that points you to some source of metadata (DDI)
Address Variables, Instruments, Questions
Concept and applied uses
Variable Cascade
Draft spreadsheet of objects for discussion
Note: Package elements can be stripped off without linkage/membership issues. Groups pull together objects that form discrete groups of information about a parent object.
NLD = Name/Label/Description
ASIDES from implementation language conversation
Levels of commonality
Conceptual level - common core
Syntactical level - instances of that class MUST haves
Cardinality constraints - not supported but need to relay this information
Shackle constraint models for validation
Work Plan going forward - conceptual model
Capturing information for producing useful presentations of content
Complete the Data Representation spreadsheet for this set of objects - use as a test for capture of content and outputs
Create a database / use an existing tool with content for each product covering:
Generic object name
Context (path)
For each related product:
Target object
Relationship (SKOS matches)
Specific usage notes:
Each unique contextual use of an object needs a separate record to differentiate the target path for each product
Retain a non-proprietary file (csv, tab delimited, etc.)
Complete content for all products
Use to generate outputs for various audiences
Overall coverage of DDI suite
Product centric view from each product
Take current listings of objects in each product and create a tab delimited listing of each product and create initial database records
Create recommended list of generic object names (this would be used for the high level conceptual model content)