January 2025

January 2025

Attendees: Jitsi Meet

Moderator link: Jitsi Meet Firebase authentication


  • establish a roadmap using inputs from EDDI 24 (see EDDI24 )

  • any other business


From the EDDI 24 inputs (see above) we decided to work on three different topics:

  1. Improve the Getting started section for surveys and questionnaires

  2. Produce more in-depth guides or best practice documents

  3. Gather and promote real-life examples of DDI questionnaires

  4. Work on tools

Each task should be handled by a small group of persons, that could work asynchronously but could also find dedicated time to work together, and report back to the whole group during the monthly meetings. For each topic, a task force page or section will be created.

Regarding the first task:

  • We could liaise with Ingo to promote the Getting Started section to a top level menu item

  • The page could be the main entry point for questionnaire content

  • The improvements could include:

    • a general update of the page content

    • add references to the relevant training slides

    • add references to the upcoming guidelines and examples questionnaires

The guides / best practice document:

  • take inspiration from this kind of documentation

  • help implementers, data managers, etc. beyond the 101 training documents

For real-life examples:

Finally, the tools subgroup:

  • could liaise with the Tool development group in order to identify needs or problem areas

  • as soon as available, provide review and enhancement to the Tools page

Dedicated section of the wiki will be created for those sub groups, we will need people to join those groups

Also, the To Do list needs to be tidied up. Unfortunately, due to the existing limits on the DDI confluence instance, we can’t create an account for every member of the group (Wendy: did I understand that correctly?)

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