February 2025
Zoom: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Discussion on what the main barriers are: including needing a basic understanding of the different items in DDI Questionnaires to use them effectively if you want to reuse and manage them.
There are many tools both native DDI and non-DDI tools, for which this knowledge would be helpful to understand to get the best out of them.
Basic Understanding of Questionnaires Sub-group
DDI questionnaires in 30 seconds
Things I wish I knew before I started using DDI questionnaires
Rationale for the different items and why they exist ---> best practices in setting up questionnaires e.g.
Differences between question text/instructions/statements
Question items vs question grids vs question blocks
What is a code list (order, values, categories)
It would be useful to think of how this is actually disseminated e.g, could it link to or be linked from the DDI specification documents, without becoming a massive task itself?
Sub-group activities ( Jon / Romain to co-ordinate first meeting)
Develop outline of content
Gather existing materials
Tools Comparison Sub-Group
Discussion that there are different tools with different strengths, not everyone will be using native DDI tools, so guidance on what they (and DDI tools) are good at / bad at) for exporting / reuse to DDI.
Sub-group activities ( Oliver agreed to lead Jon / Romain to co-ordinate first meeting)
Identify tools (Limesurvey, RedCap, Qualtrics etc/ Colectica, Pogues, Archivist, Nectar / GESIS tools etc)
Develop criteria for comparison
Exportable items
ability to parse items into DDI items
Other topics to put on ice
Things you need to know / understanding e.g
versioning and how to use it, what it offers
reusing objects (when and how)
managing question banks