[Outdated] Pre-restructure TO subgroup meeting minutes
Hilde Orten (Unlicensed)
Jennifer Zeiger
Hilde Orten
Feb 2, 2024
Allan Jenkinson training
“Generally speaking, I am free work hours (9am-630pm CET) Monday-Wednesday”
ON HOLD: Jennifer requested more details about his training needs 1/26. No response yet.
General training needs re: requests
Create general training materials for youtube, etc
General enough to be applicable
Trainings to show examples, cases
Have clear tool use examples
ACTION: Jennifer to ask organizers at IASSIST about parameters for workshop
Can then ask about people’s availability
Changes in TG subgroup structure
Need Webinar chair
(New) Training Opportunities subgroup to focus on organizing conference workshops
Will likely meet once a month
Training Requests subgroup
Will likely meet as needed
ACTION: Jennifer to email old TO group members with additional details and clearer questions
January webinar on Questions?
DDI-L 4.0 – how will this affect training needs and existing materials?
To include changes to XML model? Many users are in the process of moving from Codebook to Lifecycle, so such changes could create obstacles
ACTION: Jennifer to bring this up with TWG in March meeting
January 26
Reschedule for next week: Th/F 9/10am ET
Attendees: Hilde, Jennifer
Training for Recherche Data Gouv debrief
Hilde - need CDI presenter more fluent in French?
Request for concrete exercises for what to use when, and how (leads to Adrian’s ideas?)
Allan Jenkinson training
“Generally speaking, I am free work hours (9am-630pm CET) Monday-Wednesday”
General intro to DDI
“ Writing a personal grant fellowship for my PhD project. Writing the data management plan. Need help with defining / describing the metadata standards”
Data types:
Qualitative questionnaires and quantitative data
Lung function: spirometry
Exercise assessment: VO2 max and spirometry
Cardiac assessment: echocardiography and cardiac MRI
Alina Danciu available
Adrian Dusa available?
Arofan contacting CDI group?
Jennifer emailed KL/HM about possible fees
Changes in TG subgroup structure
Dec 15, 2023
Attendees: Adrian, Arofan, Jennifer
EDDI notes
From side meeting: Target audiences DDI Audiences and Products.docx
Maja was sick; Arofan added intro slides
6 participants,
1-2 from Stat Spain
One from Tokyo
One from GESIS
More users of DDI, less trainers
What are normal numbers? ~10
Had some tech issues
No list of participants emails
Adrian will talk to Irena
Helped that Adrian’s software was open source
Also proved functionality of software
Ultimately worked, inspired greater interest/trust in DDI
Hands-on aspect successful
Single package for data and metadata (priority is audience dependent)
Question of: What software can I use right now
Codebook is limited
Need list somewhere of available tools
Question about tools
Not up-to-date and/or maintained on DDI website
Missing Adrian’s R tools
Jennifer to ask Jared about status of tools db
More training on tools?
Website not strictly our purview - to be Marketing?
France Cohortes training
Can be in English
Training in the cascade variable specifically, as well as in the documentation of variables in general. They would also like to know more about DDI-CDI
Training in Paris in COSMOS week?
Contacted Franck, he’ll bring it to the organizers in a meeting Friday (today). Doesn’t anticipate issues.
Webinar series
order, dates
Question (carry over from ‘23) first
3 “High priority” + one from low priority
Move webinar on Questions to early 2024 (mid/late January?)
Question banks, discovering data by searching questions
Creation of reusable questions not as used?
Intention for webinar
Questions/questionnaires in Codebook
Talk about what is being done vs what could be done
Someone from CLOSER (Hayley), Hilde/ESS, Colectica?
SDTL is “low priority” on the list, but perhaps include
Smart metadata?
Allan Jenkinson requested training – Jennifer to contact about January
10 November 2023
Attendees: Adrian Dușa, Alicia Urquidi Diaz, Arofan Gregory, Jennifer Zeiger
Webinar shortlist
(6) Rich Metadata and Data Quality: The Case for DDI in Promoting Data Reuse
(5) Tools for working with DDI
Two EDDI training FAIRs included this already and will also be included in the webinar in October? - HM
Previous webinar participant request
(4) Developing DDI Applications with Python, R, and GraphQL
Adrian interested in being involved
Perhaps better led by Programmers WG - HM
Previous webinar participant request
(3) Smart Metadata and the Role of DDI in Statistical Production
Previous webinar participant request
(3) DDI Controlled Vocabularies
A webinar was already done on this subject? -HM
(3) Using SDTL
As far as I know there haven't been any webinars or training about this? Perhaps it would be better led by the SDTL WG. -HM
Some limitations due to incompleteness.
Will need to check in with SDTL WG
Have something for Pre-EDDI next year?
ACTION: Go to Scientific Board next: SEND TO ALINA/HAYLEY, they’ll send to SB
EDDI in-person training update
Discussion of content: Notes - EDDI workshop trainers meetingRemaining questions:
Maja, Arofan email sent to finalize sections
Arofan to check with Christophe, organize section IV in response
Temporary license to use Colectica software?
Email Christophe to check in Monday
Times: 15/45/45/45
ACTION: Schedule walkthrough of flow
Collect what is needed so we can inform participants what to download ahead of time
Research Data Gouv (France) in need of general beginners’ training.
To take place January, 16 14:00 CET and January, 27 10:00 CET
Trainers: Alina, Lucie, Hilde
Pre-EDDI webinar: takeaways?
Feedback https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ddSl_7MXVPpIJMsJfu6HKsbAjw5emYKK/view?usp=drive_link
Not what entirely expected/planned, but turned out ok
Two sets of perspectives helpful, well moderated
Seamlessness made it intimidating to ask questions
Very high level
Little time for questions
Alicia wanted it to be less “slick” and less intimidating! ;-)
Blog post with slides and notes
Have post ahead of time with explanation of content, terminology
Example https://blog.archive.org/
Who will be in charge of this?
Would have helped to have more provision of vocabulary to use / engage
Next year have clearer expectations, coordination with EDDI
EDDI participants/audience
Are participants usually familiar with DDI?
Arofan - ⅓ people who knew DDI, presenters; ⅓ newer people at institutions using DDI; ⅓ curious people, local people not familiar with DDI
Have tutorials clearly targeted
ACTION: ASK Allowed to access attendant list?
Data stewardship courses
Schools of Research Data Science, CODATA
Arofan to explore with Simon about involvement
Coursera Research Data Management and Sharing
NEXT MEETING: December, after EDDI
29 September 2023
Attendance: Adrian, Alicia, Arofan, Jennifer, Alex Cooper
Webinar topic approval process: Process for Setting the DDI Webinar Series Programme-v3.docx
Fiscal vs calendar year
Currently written to calendar year
Provide option for to Alina and Hayley
Scientific Board : Hayley/Alina want them to have final approval. Do they meet often enough to allow for the necessary flexibility?
A happy with input/direction, but worried about delays
Would TWG chairs be happier with webinar series under Marketing (once it exists)? - then less under remit of Scientific Board?
But not cut TO out of loop
Webinar series its own subgroup, under Training and Marketing groups?
EDDI in-person training update
Christophe confirmed
Adrian - budget/funding in process
Schedule meeting among presenters:
And identify what hands on components will be included
ACTION: Jennifer to email presenters to check availability
Research Data Gouv (France) in need of general beginners’ training.
Requesting availability of organization
Hilde as presenter?
Pre-EDDI online workshop
Need to update website* - Arofan to talk with Laura
Date confirmed: 20 October, 10am ET
Alex - ODESI process, via students
Jennifer -
Discussion and slides
Alex to send description of plans to TO/forward to Pascal
Slides due: Oct 16, Monday: deposit to https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iZwybVrZzXwMqNJueQJBYnHh8adqPdL9?usp=drive_link
Reviewer: Arofan
Outline confirmed:
I. DDI and Technology Evolution (from DTDs for documentation to metadata-driven systems - brief overview) (Arofan)
Provide slides with links to general webinars/videos for more information -
II. Production of DDI Codebook metadata for ODESI (Alex Cooper, change from Alicia)
III. Production of DDI Lifecycle at the National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (NACDA) - ICPSR (Jennifer)
IV. ChatGPT and Metadata - possible uses and enhancements in efficiency (Pascal Heus, Postman)
Jennifer/ICPSR/NACDA to submit paper