Mar 25, 2025 Slide Group Meeting
Regrets: Hayley (Maternity leave), Kathryn
Attendees: Cat, Dan, Kaia, Alina
From last meeting:
Controlled vocab deck - KL will change working group names to be consistent and resend to group for another look before we submit to the TG for review.
Questions and Instruments slide deck - our group has reviewed this and it is likely ready for the next step; this is an update to a previously published version
Categorize each Published Decks on the spreadsheet (one column for each person) and add comments to column G. Possibly extend / modify “Categories” table - Done by - Cat, Kathryn & Kaia, To do - , Dan & Alina
CDI Training slide decks - Any volunteers? Or suggestions?
What is CDI
Variable Cascade (already in the pipeline)
Data Structures in CDI
Datum-Centered Approach
Process and Provenance in CDI
Our problem is to find authors for these. Dan is a possible person to write them, but he can't do them all. Hilde might have the time for some. We need firm commitments to determine who else is needed.
programmers deck - Alina - had colleagues look at this; the feedback is challenging because the content is not ideal for developers
Alina is considering sending the deck to the chairs of the DDI developers group - or maybe just some questions on what they would like to see in a deck; might be good to ask Julie Lenoir
Alina expects that they will want more code in the deck
Update on the work on the self-training DDI support (this is an example of their work) : it is a work in progress, the person in charge attended the French training we gave last Friday with Hilde and asked a lot of questions about exercises or games on DDI. We already have some of those; Alina plans to find them and translate them into French. - Alina to try and find it or recreate it, to update slide deck “DDI Codebook or DDI Lifecycle (add CDI)” to include link to spreadsheet to make sure we don’t loose it - Alina to do in August / September and will update after that
Discussion for this meeting
Controlled vocabularies - finalise?
Questions and Survey Instruments in DDI: Maximizing the Value of Your Metadata -finish off and send for approval? Dan updated this (DDI Lifecycle: Questions and Instruments) to replace published one
Current deck statuses (summary):
The DDI Variable Cascade: Describing Data to Optimize Reusability and Comparison- Dan circulated new version, need to include some diagrams used in another slide deck? (Now on hold)
Controlled vocabularies - Ready to be submitted to DDI TG for review
DDI for Developers - Alina - content not ideal for developers, try and find someone else for input
Questions and Survey Instruments in DDI: Maximizing the Value of Your Metadata - to be submitted to DDI TG for review together with Controlled vocabularies deck when it is ready
DDI Codebook or DDI Lifecycle (add CDI) - Alina is working on it with Romain, will be in French first then translated to English
Actions from this meeting:
Update Spreadsheet with status, notes/actions, full title, who with, latest file name, etc. - Cat ongiong
Categorize each Published Decks on the spreadsheet (one column for each person) and add comments to column G. Possibly extend / modify “Categories” table? - Alina & Dan
Variable cascade deck - Dan working on this and created a new version in Feb 2025; decided to put on hold for a bit while we finish decks closer to done.
Controlled vocab deck - KL will send updated deck out and after the group gives a final review - Cat will send both the questions and instruments and controlled vocab deck to TG for review.
Potential Future Slide Decks
Please only use this as reference and do not update. Please only update the spreadsheet so it doesn’t get out of sync!
Choosing the right DDI tool? CODATA-DDI Training Webinars - CODATA, Committee on Data of the ISC - Alina will try and re-create it in the summer
CODATA-DDI Training Webinars - CODATA, The Committee on Data for Science and Technology
Sanda shared content to help us form a slide deck(s) on controlled vocabularies: Controlled Vocabularies Slides (Google folder)
Sanda will meet with us to discuss once we have had a chance to review the materials