Mar 26, 2024 Slide Group Meeting

Regrets: Kathryn, Kaia, Nicole, Irene

Attendees: Cat, Hayley, Alina, Dan

  • From last meeting:

  • Plan to discuss in March or April - For 2024 - review DDI Slide review WG - slide status - Cat has updated the slide status and created a new spreadsheet to go with it, everyone to have a look and comment (added “who with” column, whoever has the latest version should put their name on this column)

  • Current deck statuses:

  • How_to_use_the_DDI_Training_Materials_v5 deck - Kathryn has finalized, Hayley has sent to SB review, Cat published on Zenodo

  • DDITL_12_1_0_Data_Quality_Webinar - Kaia will finish off

  • DDITL_11_1_0_Understanding_Metadata_Feb2023 deck - TG feedback already applied; Dan and Kathryn will work together to finalize

  • Korean tranlation - Should finish within 2 weeks, then we can try and contact Asian CESSDA and go from there.

    • Protocol for translations - one person to translate, someone else to review, meeting to discuss with people involved for final decision

    • Link translated slide decks to original slide deck - Alina to link and add to documentation

  • How to Publish Slide Decks

    • Zenodo steps - Updated and tested, Cat now added to confluence main page

    • Who does the notifying/promoting - need to determine for the long run

      • marketing

  • Update on the work on the self-training DDI support (this is an example of their work) : it is a work in progress, the person in charge attended the French training we gave last Friday with Hilde and asked a lot of questions about exercises or games on DDI. We already have some of those; Alina plans to find them and translate them into French. - Alina to try and find it or recreate it, to update slide deck “DDI Codebook or DDI Lifecycle (add CDI)” to include link to spreadsheet to make sure we don’t loose it

Outstanding slide decks and actions:

  1. Programmer’s Intro to DDI - on hold for now

    1. Dan tried to reach out to Arofan about this - nothing gained

    2. Older technical slide deck examples: Gesis box Review WG

      1. Ensure that these are used when more technical/detailed slide decks are produced.

    3. Idea to use hackathon content - KL emailed Ingo about intro content but the hackathon wasn’t planning for beginners

    4. Maybe a new approach to this deck would be - how to introduce developers to DDI - what do you need to know to get started with DDI as a developer?

      1. Something like this was done at Dagstuhl, train the trainers but that was some time ago

      2. This might be too advanced/out of scope?

      3. Potential webinar planned that may help address this (Adrian, R topic)

      4. Hayley will ask programmer colleague about this/for their ideas about this - see doc

  2. Questions and questionnaires slide deck - part of Training Fair for EDDI - low priority at this time

    1. Hayley has a newer version from when she presented; will share when we finish the other slides - Hayley to share original slide deck with group and Arofan and can be reviewed and published