Nov 21, 2023 Slide Group Meeting

Nov 21, 2023 Slide Group Meeting

Regrets: Cat Y., Catharina

Note: Cat has a conflicting training and will not be able to attend our Tues meetings Oct-April.

  • Currently working on:

  1. Unit-Unit_Type-Universe-Population deck (new version from today) - we are so close to finishing this and sending to SB!

    1. Group decided to move the diagrams at the end of the deck to the Variables and the Variable Cascade slide deck, and end the deck at how concepts relate to unit, unit type, universe, and pop. Plan to finish this deck via email and skip meeting in December if everything goes right.

  2. Implementing_FAIR_w_DDI_2023 deck - published!

  3. DDI_TL_Intro_to_Concepts_Sept2023.pptx deck - SB approved and published!

  4. DDI_for_researchers_and_data_managers_July_2023 - SB approved and published!

  5. How_to_use_the_DDI_Training_Materials_v5 deck - Kathryn will finalize, then send to SB review

    1. Reference: feedback (no changes needed)

    2. DDI Training materials page that already exists which we might use: https://ddialliance.org/training/training-materials

  6. DDITL_12_1_0_Data_Quality_Webinar - no updates - revisit in 2024; needs edits from TG feedback

  7. DDITL_11_1_0_Understanding_Metadata_Feb2023 deck - no updates; need two group members to finalize this deck in 2024

    1. We need to decide on a consistent message about structured/unstructured metadata; slide 29/providing an example of schema vs textual

Outstanding slide decks and actions:

  1. Programmer’s Intro to DDI - Dan, Arofan - on hold for now

    1. Older technical slide deck examples: Gesis box Review WG DDI_OldTechSlides.zip.

      1. Ensure that these are used when more technical/detailed slide decks are produced.

    2. Maybe there will be hackathon content we can use - KL emailed Ingo about intro content

  2. Questions and questionnaires slide deck - part of Training Fair for EDDI - low priority at this time

    1. Hayley has a newer version from when she presented; will share when we finish the other slides