July 30, 2024 Slide Group Meeting

Regrets: Hayley, Alina

Attendees: Cat, Kathryn, Dan, Kaia

From last meeting:

  • DDITL_12_1_0_Data_Quality_Webinar - Kathryn has updated and ready to be sent to scientific board

  • DDITL_11_1_0_Understanding_Metadata_Feb2023 deck - Dan and Kathryn have done some updates, Dan to finalise then it’ll be ready to be sent to scientific board

  • Korean translation - Alina hasn’t heard from Korean data archive and will proceed with budget request to hopefully move things along - still outstanding

  • variable cascade deck - Dan will try and work on this

  • programmers deck - Hayley has updated, now with Alina - new programmer to review in September

  • controlled vocab - Kathryn looked into this, there were some existing slide decks and have drafted something and could be circulated soon to discuss audiences

  • Questions and Survey Instruments in DDI - Hayley - circulate (no updates)

  • Questions and questionnaires slide deck - part of Training Fair for EDDI - low priority at this time

    • Hayley has a newer version from when she presented; will share when we finish the other slides - Hayley to share original slide deck with group and Arofan and can be reviewed and published

    • was this the one presented by Arofan at the Webinar on 22nd May?

  • Update on the work on the self-training DDI support (this is an example of their work) : it is a work in progress, the person in charge attended the French training we gave last Friday with Hilde and asked a lot of questions about exercises or games on DDI. We already have some of those; Alina plans to find them and translate them into French. - Alina to try and find it or recreate it, to update slide deck “DDI Codebook or DDI Lifecycle (add CDI)” to include link to spreadsheet to make sure we don’t loose it - Alina to do in August / September and will update after that

  • Main confluence page updated, to update aims

Current deck statuses (summary):

  • DDITL_12_1_0_Data_Quality_Webinar - Kathryn - Ready to be sent to scientific board

  • DDITL_11_1_0_Understanding_Metadata_Feb2023 deck - Dan to finalise then it’ll be ready to be sent to scientific board

  • Korean translation - Alina - still outstanding

  • variable cascade deck - Dan will try and work on this

  • programmers deck - Alina - new programmer to review in September

  • controlled vocab - Kathryn - Drafted could be circulated soon to discuss audiences

  • Questions and Survey Instruments in DDI - Hayley - circulate (no updates)

  • Questions and questionnaires slide deck - part of Training Fair for EDDI - low priority at this time

Actions from this meeting:

  1. Update Spreadsheet with status, notes/actions, full title, who with, latest file name, etc. - Everyone please

  2. Cat to keep all latest WIP decks on Dropbox - Done

  3. Cat to add links of published decks to Spreadsheet - Done

  4. Data Quality deck - Kathryn as Training Group chair to send to scientific board (copy Cat & Chantal) - Done!

  5. Understanding metadata deck - Dan to finalise then send to Kathryn to send to scientific board separately (copy Cat & Chantal)

  6. Questions and Instruments slide deck - Kaia to review

  7. Cat to update aims on the main confluence page (to check most up to date version from the mandate, see Aims below)

  8. Cat to update existing published decks that are part of the series on Zenodo to add this information (below) together with the number of slides on the metadata of the decks.

  • Foundational DDI Metadata is split into five modules:

    • Introduction to Concepts in DDI, which should be used first

    • Concept Systems – classifications, thesauri and Ontologies

    • Unit, Unit Type, Universe, and Population

    • Variables and Variable Cascade

    • Representations – Codes and categories

Potential Future Slide Decks



Agree group aims for the Main Confluence Page (from what was listed on the mandate)

  1. Continue the development and maintenance of training materials.

    1. Add to our Training Materials Zenodo.

    2. Explore translations for existing materials.

    3. Identify topics for which training material is needed. This includes identifying gaps in our current collection.

    4. Prepare training packages for different audiences; audience priorities determined by scientific board and requests to the training opps group(?)

Next meeting Aug 27, 2024