TC Meeting Minutes 2022-2023
Wendy Thomas
Earlier Meeting Minutes:
2020-2021 Minutes Page, 2018-2019 Minutes Page, 2016-2017 Minutes Page, Pre-2016 Minutes Page
ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jon, Dan, Olof, Flavio, Jeremy
Excused: Oliver
DDI Lifecycle version 4.0 BETA
Jon and Dan are checking it out in EA by entering and then exporting a single instrument
Announcement content:
Add UML output
Change to 4.0
Info on free account on github
Link ML is included in the full download package but these are ones that are the official ones
There are 2 different owl publishers (closed generated by by owl publisher) others generated by Linked ML toolkit
Maybe for high level documentation we can pull background information together as well as address questions raised
Implementation of serializations was focus of former high level - need to determine what is model level
Final steps
Dan will merge UML updates in shortly and tag a package for release
Dan will inform Wendy to send out and copy to pages in Confluence
Plan in some web presentations/ Q&A sessions/ - Jon will come up with a schedule of promotional/informational events (first meeting in Jan)
Make comment period through end of March
Change to Beta version in documentation
Check out ability to put preview status
Name of the release will include Beta (1,2,3)
Jon will get it out on social media
Updates of ddialliance site pages
Get Wendy the appropriate links for updating pages
Update problems related to these links from Google - should go to current page
DDI-Lifecycle | Data Documentation Initiative
Olof Olsson 9:23 AM
DDI-Codebook | Data Documentation Initiative still have "DDI Codebook 2.5 (under review)"
Next meeting: 4 Jan 2024
ATTENDEES: Wendy, Dan, Olof, Oliver, Flavio
CDI till mid January
Olov moved rest of materials to GitHub
Beta review of DDI-L version 4 out next week
Merged Olof's work on LinkML and will test that out
File copied of documents on Beta review on Confluence site so they are easily aviable.
Get this out next week for Beta review
Send to: DDI-User List, Developers groups, DDI-SRG
Oliver will catch up with Darren again when he is back from vacation (no issues, just follow-up)
ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jon, Dan, Jeremy, Olof, Oliver, Flavio, Christophe
Review pull request for issues #12 and #19
Language tagged strings and documentation, referencing subtypes of versionable by DanSmith · Pull Request #20 · ddialliance/ddimodel
Walked through pull request process; validation, build outputs, see what exactly changed
When pull request is added we can set required reviewers prior to merge
Merge pull request #20 from DanSmith/master · ddialliance/ddimodel@486b43eDraft of DDI 4 beta release announcement
Timing: Already working in Olof's repository (no restrictions) so need to find out when this can move. Two versions of OWL, straightforward, and with restrictions on domains
restricted model says hasConcept can only be used on items variable and category (only place predicate can be use)
Get feedback on both approaches in OWL (simple OWL - Olof; add in and put in build output)
If we get done before the holidays we can get a release out.
Content: create a draft release on Github and create notes
Email draft: email content and draft of any additional information not in content documentation
Complete draft by next week and add to meeting agenda.
Plan timing of DDI 4 beta release (next week?)
Complete draft by next week and add to meeting agenda.
Want full history on Bitbucket and clone to Git
One repository per product
CDI directly to github and remove bit bucket
Production is not already pipeline on CV so that can be moved
Oliver will double check with Darren if there are any transfer issuesdoes anyone have any work that is not pushed
Wendy will push to dditcIf there is time I'd also like to review the infrastructure plan including, process for implementing, and timeline issues
What does this mean for the timing of support of documents ion serving
Neat to have this when the beta release went out
Serving line documentation and high level documentation
How is lifecycle updated (in terms of builds) - what are the options in terms of published documentation and documentation of new builds (need to provide access to both)
<https://doc.ddialliance/<product>>/<version>where we always have:<https://doc.ddialliance/<product>>/masterto reflect the current state of master?
Jon will speak to Jared and make sure we have domain names for documentation to point to the documentation server (DNS change handled by ICPSR/UMICH)
Newsletter article
Others will review. Jon will add info from today ad
ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jon, Dan, Jeremy, Oliver, Flavio
Roadmap document
-- get this done WENDY
EDDI TC meeting agenda
-- overall
Lifecycle get to the point where we can get something out to look at
--Schema changes, COGS stuff, and specific issues about objects
Codebook handfull of issues
CDI - what needs to get done
Controlled Vocabulary - what's left
Infrastructure needs piece
TC Organization paper
Two basic models
-- Bit of a problem with the product working groups reporting directly to the Scientific Board due to the workflow of product releases through the TC
-- The important thing is that the TC has a responsibility for the infrastructure
-- Autonomy of the working groups retained but clearer relationships [rationalize relationships]
RDF common set working group
Those who expressed interest have received draft of announcement. Please review so Dan can send out
No DDI meetings at IASSIST this year
No TC members have submitted presentations - please notify us if you do
ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jon, Dan, Jeremy, Flavio, Darren, Christophe, Oliver
Review of CDI processing
Have a list people to contact - recheck with Arofan for any additions
Time period is decided
Need text for email
Get issue filing information updated on site
Updates from Flavio this week
Generate packages and get to TC
So still possible within November
May be able to get out by EDDI with a 6 week review period
OK on the approach for issue filing (Jon still needs to verify that general Atlassian login filing works - don't anticipate a problem)
On product page:
replace green box with section:
File an issue on this product
If you have an Atlassian account you can CLICK HERE to file an issue.
If you do not have an Atlassian account you can create a new account and then file an issue or use the DDI submission form HERE [link to the File and issue page]
File and issue page:
If you have an account with Atlassian click on the product below to file an issue.
If you do not have an account with Atlassian you can {create an account with Atlassian} [link to Atlassian site] then return to this page and file your issue.
Don't want to create an account? Use this Google Form to provide information on your issue and we will file it for you. You will be provided with the Jira issue number once it is filed so you can view comments and decisions on your issue as work progresses.
If you are not sure which product your issue relates to, file it on the Technical Committee issue tracker. We'll make sure it gets to the right project or projects.
DDI Codebook
DDI Lifecycle
DDI Cross Domain Integration (CDI)
Controlled Vocabularies
Technical Committee
New working group on RDF (Dan)
Working on announcement on new working group
Look for that in the next day or two
3 Codebook items - send Darren a reminder of numbers
Review process for Codebook entries - do remotely maybe hopefully PLEASE
CV releasing a new version resolving SKOS issues
Plan to get our system going on the 23 Nov
Oliver would be able to rerun at any time
Coordinating with them about any static information that needs to move over from DDI site
COSMOS - Admin Data workshop - has it been set?
Been difficult to nail down the meeting coordination
Flavio is in group that is coordinating meeting
Mon/Tues before is a time that CDI group would like to have meeting
Could be Mon/Tues after COSMOS
Roadmap document
Draft agenda for EDDI meeting/TC
Paper about ways in which working group could operate
No meeting in November after 16th; no meeting on December 28th