July 2024

July 2024

9th of July, 15h CET.

Zoom link


  1. Agenda

  2. Survey: check the progress made on the questionnaire by the French team

  3. Training topics: Hayley and Ami identified resources

  4. Website tool page: Jon and Wendy updates


Attendees: Romain Tailhurat (INSEE, France), Hayley Mills (CLOSER, UK), Håkan Wilén (DDS, Sweden), Susanna Portilo (CSO, Ireland), Oliver Hopt (GESIS, Germany), Lucie Marie (CDSP, France), Wendy Thomas (DDI USA), Kathryn Lavender (NACDA, USA), Philippe Bisson (StatCan, Canada), Jon Johnson (CLOSER, UK), Becky Oldroyd (CLOSER, UK), Thomas Dubois (INSEE, France), Lucas Bourcier (INED, France), Thibaud Ritzenthaler (INED, France).

Apologies: Ami Saji (PROGEDO, France), Ryan Holmes (US, UK), John Hyland (Teagasc, Ireland), Catherine Yuen (US, UK), Victoria Rolfe (UoG, Sweden), Jessica Hrudey (UoA, Holland), Firoozeh Dokhani (UK), Edward Mawejje (Makerere University, Uganda), Alen Vodopijevec (CESSDA, Croatia), Ken Moore (CSO, Ireland), Halima Bakia (CASD, France), Rebecca Morrison (BLS, USA).


  1. Wendy suggest a “minutes” page, or at least links to minutes pages on the main page

    @Hayley Mills to add links to minutes on main page.


  2. Survey: check the progress made on the questionnaire by the French team

    • Lucie presented the draft questionnaire created by Lucas, Lucie, Romain and Thibaud in Qualtrics

    • Aim to circulate to the group at the end of July

      @Lucie MARIE to circulate draft survey
    • Hayley - who is the intended audience? future plans for beginners or current DDI users?

    • Wendy - how broad should be the target audience?. We also want to know what users want in the next versions of DDI.

    • Romain suggests the survey should be in two parts which has a filter at the start.

      1. Part 1 for expert/ DDI practitioners, who is using DDI and what do they want to see

      2. Part 2 for beginners not familiar with DDI, and don’t know where to start (e.g. use survey monkey or agencies) what would they like to do. JJ - should have minimal questions (as it’s difficult to ask the right questions), and instead ask for their contact details to follow-up with them. At the end it we could include links to point them in the right direction too.

        @Lucie MARIE @Romain Tailhurat @thibaud, @lucas to update the survey in light of suggestions
    • It will be interesting to see how what they want to see differs between the two

    • The survey will be translated into French

    • Spanish translation (Susana) and maybe German (Oliver), Hakan confirmed that a Swedish version is not needed.

      @susana to translate the survey into Spanish Sep 23, 2024
      @Romain Tailhurat to follow up with Oliver if we want to translate the survey into German
    • Hayley - How will we circulate the survey?

      • Discussed in previous meeting, it will be circaluted by group members accross their contacts and mailing lists e.g. DDI mailing lists, French contacts, Ami CESSDA contacts, US mailing lists, EDDI lists


  1. Training topics: Hayley and Ami identified resources

    1. Next steps to wait for survey results.


  1. Website tool page: Wendy updates

  • Currently the DDI Tools page is a filterable interface to an underlying database of information on various tools related to DDI. It is updated by the tool providers who fills in a form covering the fields of the database. The view provides a list of tools including Name, Versions of DDI supported, Availability, Description (brief), and Purpose.

  • Clicking on a Name brings up a page with more complete information including fuller description, licensing, URL, creators, latest version, Import/Export capabilities.

  • Initially, this content will be transferred to the new system as a static page. We will not lose the database content but that functionality is being evaluated. The goal is to have the DDI Tools group take responsibility for the content of the page, encouraging new entries and keeping it up to date.

  • TC will be asking for input on the required functionality of this and other pages over the next 6-18 months. We are meeting in August for the initial transfer and outlining our approach for gaining feedback and revising the overall website as needed.

  • This group could:

    Possible task: Look at the type of functionality we need for the DDI tools page, as well as what we would like to have. e.g. one issue is that there is no controlled vocabulary for topics which means you get different response lists for "question design" and "question designer" so issues about filtering would be useful.
    Possible task: Encourage others to add the tools to this (based on survey results)
  • DDI Profiles is a related resource page that will be undergoing a revamp.

    • First not everything on this page is a profile and we want to get it back to that description. Given the time-line to porting content to the new website this will probably take place following the move of content in August.

    • Profiles should be accessible by the product/version supported, the topic area, specific application areas, related tools that the profile supports, expression of the profile in multiple formats for different intended users including structured (like DDI Profile) that can be used to validate and instance against the profile. This will tie into the long term intent of TC to provide a new area of standards/tools that support the use of DDI (validators, profile expression for different implementation types, best practices for integrating the use of multiple DDI products, etc.).

    • Need to add complete profiles of required content vs recommended for different applications and uses e.g. question bank, archive etc. Modules/discrete/base profiles which can plug in. Rather than one big profile.

    • It is possible to use a subset of fields more easily now so more specific profiles could be proposed by this group for best practice.

    • INSEE are working on this as they want to document their questionnaire profiles.

    • Tools should have profiles and identify which are the key prices that the system works. This group could also encourage this.

    • JJ- CLOSER is using the CESSDA metadata validator which can be used to validate any profiles. This is something to emphasise as a benefit of creating a profile, to ensure quality. Is important for questionnaires as they can be quite complex and for interoperability between tools.

    • ==> a new task for the group ;

      Possible task: Look into creating questionnaire profiles, - Explore what can be done and what areas as a group do we want to look at?
      Possible task: Encourage people to create profiles useful for people trying to interact with their systems/tools.



  • Thibaud - what DDI products are we concentrating on - DDI-C, DD-L, or DDI-CDI?

    • Wendy – lots of question content in codebook and not easily transfer to lifecycle. We need to look at as a group -  what can be done in codebook to make it translate it better to lifecycle. Codebook is descriptive and not intended to drive systems. Providing direction on how to document questions in codebook to leverage e.g. response option inside the literal question. Could be guidelines, or amending changes in codebook. Codebook will be looking at how to support this better. Making it clear what you can do in codebook and how to do it to make it easier to transfer into lifecycle.


  • JJ- flagged email call for marketing for stats agencies. Would like ideas from this group


  • Next meeting in September - August meeting will be cancelled.


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