November 2024
19th November, 3pm CEST.
Survey: 1st results
EDDI24: group session
Outstanding actions: To Do list
Prioritising potential tasks: To Do list
Attendees: Ami, Håkan, Catherine, Suzanna, Lucie, Thibaut, Lucas, Jon, Guillaume, Becky, Wendy, Oliver
Apologies: ---
Survey results
Romain presents some first results from the survey. He will work on refining this first draft and will share with the group as soon as possible. Also, the results could be presented at the beginning of the EDDI questionnaire group session as a way to help starting the discussion.
Some quick info:
a total of 159 responses so far
most of the questionnaires are not finished (in the sense of the “finish” marker of Qualtrix), but we can nonetheless use the answers
but a lot of questions don’t have any response
32 respondents were from France
more refined and cross questions analysis is needed (Regarding the specific needs of certain groups (official stats, French social science, etc.))
We will keep the survey open as least through EDDI, maybe until the end of december
Finally, we could probably point the official training materials to people saying that they want to be trained or understand if the material is not sufficient, and at least provide some hindsights to the training working group.
If anyone has ideas on what to provide and how to animate the group session, feel free to share it (to Romain at least).
Ami shares the very interesting work of Cessda for data catalog and question bank profiles, and their validation tool. Wendy asks if the validation tool could be made available, Ami send an email to people in charge of this at Cessda (Wendy and Romain cced). Jon said that he played with the tool, that it is useful but has some rough edges.
More generally, Wendy and Jon think that more help should be provided on how to use profiles (what content should go in? What should be backed by controlled vocabularies? etc.)
LinkML could be interesting as a way to document “profiles” beyond pure DDI Profiles.
DDI Alliance website
Technical work in progress, particularly on the database backed section of the website, so no preview yet.