September 2024

September 2024

10th September, 3pm CEST.

Zoom link


  1. Agenda

  2. Survey: check the progress made on the questionnaire by the French team

  3. EDDI 24: Side meeting, workshop - deadline 12th September

  4. Outstanding actions: To Do list

  5. Prioritising potential tasks: To Do list


Attendees: Romain Tailhurat (INSEE, France), Hayley Mills (CLOSER, UK), Håkan Wilén (DDS, Sweden), Susanna Portilo (CSO, Ireland), Oliver Hopt (GESIS, Germany), Wendy Thomas (DDI USA), Philippe Bisson (StatCan, Canada), Jon Johnson (CLOSER, UK), Becky Oldroyd (CLOSER, UK), Thomas Dubois (INSEE, France), Lucas Bourcier (INED, France), Ami Saji (PROGEDO, France), Catherine Yuen (UKHLS, UK), Alen Vodopijevec (CESSDA, Croatia), Guillaume Duffes (INSEE, France)

Apologies: Victoria Rolfe (UoG, Sweden), Jessica Hrudey (UoA, Holland), Lucie Marie (CDSP, France), Ken Moore (CSO, Ireland), Rebecca Morrison (BLS, USA), Firoozeh Dokhani (UK), Edward Mawejje (Makerere University, Uganda), John Hyland (Teagasc, Ireland), Thibaud Ritzenthaler (INED, France),

  1. Survey: check the progress made on the questionnaire by the French team

    1. Lots of feedback received most of which has been taken into account and addressed

      1. Eliminated filters to make it simpler

      2. 20 questions is a good number (shouldn’t add more, as it will be too many)

    2. Questions should be used to gain a broad understanding for what training and support is needed, and to understand the scale, so should include what people are documenting and what they would like to document in the future.

    3. Next steps to finalise in English and translate to French and Spanish (Susanna to translate to Spanish 23rd September). Code the questionnaire and have it ready by the next meeting. The Questionnaire will automatically convert into the correct language by browser. Oliver commented that there is no need to translate into German as they will speak English.

    @Jon Johnson to provide a list of lists to Romain to circulate the survey.
    All to circulate the survey with any other user lists and contacts.


  2. EDDI 24: Side meeting, workshop - deadline 12th September

    1. Usually take place on Thursday/Friday but Monday afternoon is also possible (Romain only available then)

    2. Romain – could propose a workshop on transition to DDI-C to DDI-L? Things to be aware of in your structure in codebook to help with moving to DDI-L.

      1. To be picked up when we have some proposals and suggestions for this.

        1. Possible task: Guidlines for transition to DDI-C to DDI-L (how to document questions in DDI-C)

    3. Ami - could discuss the initial findings of the survey?

      1. To be picked up when there is more time to analyse the findings

    4. Jon – session for input from experienced users of Questionnaires in DDI-Lifecycle in order to updates to the model? e.g. what they wish it did/didn’t do. Lifecycle is now easy to suggest changes.

      1. Wendy – Users can’t often find certain functionality or know how they are uses, so this could also give insights into what guidance is missing.

      2. Oliver – it could also be a nice input into the developer group meeting to create some light weight tooling around the needs

      3. Romain - We will need to structure this is a clear way and propose some things beforehand

      4. We can submit abstract and discuss how to organise the workshop and side meeting in the in next meetings.

      5. In addition, a Birds of a feather session to gather more input from others who can’t make the session and to make connections and make them aware of the working group

        @Romain Tailhurat and @Hayley Mills to draft the EDDI23 workshop/side meeting abstract
  3. Outstanding actions: To Do list - please check if you have any actions assigned to you.

  4. Prioritising potential tasks: To Do list - pick up in the next meeting if time permitting.

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