11th May 2021

11th May 2021

Attendees: @Hayley Mills, @Hilde Orten (Unlicensed), @Kaia Kulla, @Dan Gillman, Kathryn Lavender, @Arofan

  • Any updates from last Training meeting which effect this group?

Request for funding to be submitted to Anja and Jane today with the deadline 25th May. ACTION: @Hayley Mills to send email.
  • Slide reviews

    • Revisions to the Metadata Intro slides completed in the meeting.

    • There will be coordination with the webinar series and mini-sprints to make sure that this complements what the Slide Review group is doing. Programme plans will be shared with this gruop before finalised.

    • Pipeline going forward will be that new slide decks are created in sprints organised by the Outreach/webinar group. Slides decks will be reviewed by this group (ideally before the webinar), in order for them to be published. The review does not need to take place before the webinar, but it will influence the priority of the slide decks which this group reviews.

    • The process of editing and formatting still needs to be agreed/finalised, but should be more straightforward as slide decks will be created in a more standardised way.

ACTION: @Hayley Mills to add item to the next Training meeting to discuss the best method of storing/sharing slide decks with each other.
It was agreed that we should have a minium of 3 people review each new slide deck.
  • ACTION: @Hayley Mills to add the slide decks to the Gesis box will be used by this group going forward.