2nd September 2021

2nd September 2021

Attendees: @Hayley Mills, @Hilde Orten (Unlicensed), @Kaia Kulla, @Dan Gillman, Kathryn Lavender

‘How to use the Training Materials’ slide deck to be discussed with wider group @Hayley Mills to ask Jane to add to agenda
‘Programmers Introduction to DDI’ slide deck. Dan to update, then could ask Adrian, Arofan, Knut, Alexandre? @Dan Gillman
@Hayley Mills to contact Knut to add example to slide decks- see email After discussion at wider Training meeting. Anja contacting instead. Follow up with Anja. -Anja not heard back from Knut- it is unclear what Knut’s idea. HM to email Knut.
@Kaia Kulla to update ‘Universe, population, units, unit types’ - based on feedback from Dan and send to the group
@Hayley Mills to ask to be added to agenda for Training meeting- process for adding to the Zenodo DDI Training Group.
All Slide Deck Review WG to review DDI for Researchers and (Meta)data Managers.
@Kathryn Lavender to make final changes and send to the group.