8th June 2021
8th June 2021
Attendees: @Hayley Mills, @Hilde Orten (Unlicensed), @Kaia Kulla, @Dan Gillman, Kathryn Lavender
Outstanding actions:
@Hayley Mills to update Gesis box/Spreadsheet
@Hayley Mills to contact Shelly about the ‘How to use the 'Training library’ slide deck.
@Kathryn - to help to finalise ‘DDI for Researchers and Data Managers’ slide deck
Second review and add CDI content to ‘Programmers Introduction to DDI’ slide deck. Dan and Hilde to take a look at the slide deck.
Review and update the concept slide decks
Universe, population, units, unit types (action carried over)- @Kaia Kulla
What are concepts and Concept Systems - @Dan Gillman
‘Versioning for Questionnaire Development’ slide decks to be added to Zenodo slide deck examples. Created in Dagsthul as an example so should be loaded as that way.
‘Quality’ and ‘Understanding metadata’ slide decks with Arofan. @Dan Gillman and @Hilde Orten (Unlicensed) to check.
‘Quality’ and ‘Understanding metadata’ slide decks. @Kathryn to check.
‘Quality’ and ‘Understanding metadata’ slide decks. @Hayley Mills to check.
@Hayley Mills to arrange meeting for 29th June
@Hayley Mills to move next meeting to 14th July
Review all slide decks to check for DDI being described as a standard and update to a suite of standards. @Hayley Mills to do and email Shelly about the finalised slide decks.
HM to raise at next training the importance of the tools page to be updated on the DDIA website. This is the responsibility of the TC (mention to JJ or clarfify with Jane).
Focus/aim of this WG - to review new slide decks for the ‘training library’
Existing and future slide decks plan. This will be discussed in the wider group, but we will provide an update as to the current status and make a suggestion on how to go forward.
Finalising ‘DDI for Researchers and Data Managers’ slide deck
It was decided that we make the tool slides generic- not mentioning any specific tools, and will instead direct people to the DDIA website for up to date information. We need to push for the tools on the DDIA webiste to be kept up to date.