20210203 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes

20210203 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes

Present: Ingo Barkow, Darren Bell, Simon Hodson, Jared Lyle, Hilde Orten, Flavio Rizzolo, Carsten Thiel, Wendy Thomas, Joachim Wackerow

Discussion topics:

  1. Determine the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Scientific Board.

    1. It was proposed and agreed to hold separate votes for the Chair and the Vice-Chair of the Scientific Board.

    2. It was proposed and agreed that ideally, the Vice-Chair is already the candidate to become the next Chair two years later thus creating a permanent rotation between organizations filling this role, although the succession is not automatic and votes will be held for both the Chair and the Vice-Chair every two years.

    3. It was proposed and agreed that if at least one person requests a secret ballot for the Chair and Vice-Chair, a secret ballot would be held; otherwise, the vote would be held during the meeting, with each voting member indicating his or her vote.

    4. It was proposed that Ingo be nominated as Chair of the Scientific Board and Hilde as Vice-Chair and serve a two year period, ending June 2023.

    5. Each voting member voted by raising his or her hand. Ingo and Hilde were unanimously approved by the seven voting members as, respectively, Chair and Vice-Chair of the Scientific Board.

  2. Select which three voting members will serve for two years (ending June 2023) and which four will serve for four years (ending June 2025).

    1. The seven voting members discussed preferences for the duration of their terms.

    2. The voting members agreed to the following distribution of terms:

      1. Two year terms:

        1. Achim

        2. Carsten

        3. Darren

      2. Four year terms:

        1. Ingo

        2. Hilde

        3. Flavio

        4. Simon

  3. Select frequency and times for future Scientific Board meetings.

    1. It was suggested to meet for 90 minutes monthly. The Board can reevaluate the frequency of meetings after the Board is up and running.

    2. Jared will poll the group to find a monthly time that works for all Board members.

  4. Select date and time for the annual meeting of the Scientific Community.

    1. The members discussed the purpose of the annual meeting, including what is expected of a Scientific Work Plan and the importance of syncing the plan with the strategic plan coordinated by the Executive Board.

    2. Members indicated preference to hold the annual meeting the latter portion of June in order to give itself time to prepare the work plan and the membership time to review materials, as documents should be distributed a month in advance of the meeting.

    3. Jared will communicate the date preference to the Executive Board and coordinate with them on finalizing dates for both annual meetings. Jared will report back to the Scientific Board about the proposed final dates and verify those will work.

  5. Establish Scientific Work Plan

    1. From the DDI Bylaws: “The expressed work plan of the Scientific Board covering the activities and goals of the sub-committees and working groups of the Scientific Board. Covering a period of one or more years it addresses the specific activities and priorities required to address the scientific goals outlined in the Strategic Plan of Alliance. The Scientific Work Plan is reviewed and approved at the Annual Meeting of the Scientific Community.”

    2. It was suggested that: i. The work plan is a layer between strategic goals, which the Executive Board should establish, and the detailed work of the volunteers. ii. The goals on all these levels need to be realistic based on available resources, especially voluntary in-kind contributions. iii. This work plan should have a one or two or three year vision and should connect to the working groups.

    3. It was proposed that for the next meeting:

      1. We invite the active DDI working groups to our meeting to discuss their current work and aspirations for the next two years. It was proposed that prior to the meeting, each presents, in writing, a brief outline of their plans.

      2. Each Board member reviews the previous scientific plans (make available through confluence), reflect on any gaps, aspirations which might be suggested, and suggest new goals and ideas prior to the next meeting.

Not discussed:

  • Internal operational procedures.  From the DDI Bylaws: "The Scientific Board should maintain a document outlining its internal operational procedures entitled “Scientific Board Operational Guidelines”."

  • Appointing Advisory Members.  From the DDI Bylaws: "The Scientific Board may appoint up to two external Advisory Members, without internal vote."

  • DDI URN RFC document (Achim)

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