16th December 2021

16th December 2021

@Dan Gillman @Kathryn Lavender @Kaia Kulla @Hilde Orten (Unlicensed)

  • Outstanding slide decks and actions

    • Quality slide deck; action for Kaia on whether or not we need to apply edits to the slides since the recent webinar.

      • Some complicated slides were removed for the audience it was delivered to.

      • There may be some feedback from the post-webinar survey that could be applied to the slides; Hilde will share the comments with us soon.

      • Kaia will confirm on whether the slides are ready to be published; should be close to done.

    • Concepts (Dan); see below

    • Universe, pops, units, unit types deck

      • Kaia to confirm status; should be close to done.

    • Training Exercises; Training Materials Intro deck; Examples; Hayley - still in progress

      • Has been working with Shelly

      • Hilde can check with Arofan on some of these examples

    • Programmer’s Intro to DDI - Dan

      • pending

  • Questions and questionnaires slide deck

    • Hayley - part of Training Fair for EDDI; will add slides to Zenodo - we should revisit these now that they have been used to re-evaluate them, Hayley knows of some edits that are already needed

  • New slide deck- How does DDI relate to other standards e.g. Dublin core

    • Jared’s email - keep in mind for tasks next year and figure out priorities

    • intro to DDI but compared to other similar standards slide deck

    • CDI group has been doing some work in this area; Arofan might be well suited to put something together for this topic

    • Might be good to talk with larger group and enlist help from the larger group; who is an expert in this area?

  • Handover to new chair- @Kathryn Lavender and next meeting

    • Method used for meetings? Zoom/Teams - Zoom will be used.

  • Review of Intro to Concepts in DDI slide deck

    • Feedback: overall the slides are clear, except the slide near the end about Data with Obama example - Why is the concept “44th President” and not “U.S. Presidents”?

    • Also, the idea that the data are also concepts is unfamiliar - can more background be provided?

    • Idea is the difference between data, terms, codes is small; when you think about recording data you are writing down a symbol that is relaying meaning, just like you write down a term, name word that has meaning; show what we call data really isnt any different than relaying meaning with words, except that we can compute with it

    • What audience is this for, and what is the goal of this slide to take away?

    • Could also show the instance variable and then the conceptual variable, if helpful.

    • A summary for this slide deck would be helpful; could include new terms defined.

    • There are many kids of relationships that could be represented, so it might be better to expand the slides a bit.

      • It might be good to keep this deck as an intro version and remove or edit the data references, then create a second deck (“Data and Concepts”) that goes into more detail to expand on this technical level.

    • How do we refer to concepts? slide

      • How we represent concepts in language is different than the concept itself.

      • Some edits and use of the term “representation” might help here. We can have two different underlying concepts but what they represent can be the same. Use practical examples.

    • Dan will send a new version of this intro concepts deck, and create a new data and concepts deck.

  • Meetings next year

    • first is on Jan 11 for now…move to the 13th

    • Larger DDI Training meeting is the week of the 10th

    • We will revisit our meeting occurrences in Jan