16th December 2021
@Dan Gillman @Kathryn Lavender @Kaia Kulla @Hilde Orten (Unlicensed)
Outstanding slide decks and actions
Quality slide deck; action for Kaia on whether or not we need to apply edits to the slides since the recent webinar.
Some complicated slides were removed for the audience it was delivered to.
There may be some feedback from the post-webinar survey that could be applied to the slides; Hilde will share the comments with us soon.
Kaia will confirm on whether the slides are ready to be published; should be close to done.
Concepts (Dan); see below
Universe, pops, units, unit types deck
Kaia to confirm status; should be close to done.
Training Exercises; Training Materials Intro deck; Examples; Hayley - still in progress
Has been working with Shelly
Hilde can check with Arofan on some of these examples
Programmer’s Intro to DDI - Dan
Questions and questionnaires slide deck
Hayley - part of Training Fair for EDDI; will add slides to Zenodo - we should revisit these now that they have been used to re-evaluate them, Hayley knows of some edits that are already needed
New slide deck- How does DDI relate to other standards e.g. Dublin core
Jared’s email - keep in mind for tasks next year and figure out priorities
intro to DDI but compared to other similar standards slide deck
CDI group has been doing some work in this area; Arofan might be well suited to put something together for this topic
Might be good to talk with larger group and enlist help from the larger group; who is an expert in this area?
Handover to new chair- @Kathryn Lavender and next meeting
Method used for meetings? Zoom/Teams - Zoom will be used.
Review of Intro to Concepts in DDI slide deck
Feedback: overall the slides are clear, except the slide near the end about Data with Obama example - Why is the concept “44th President” and not “U.S. Presidents”?
Also, the idea that the data are also concepts is unfamiliar - can more background be provided?
Idea is the difference between data, terms, codes is small; when you think about recording data you are writing down a symbol that is relaying meaning, just like you write down a term, name word that has meaning; show what we call data really isnt any different than relaying meaning with words, except that we can compute with it
What audience is this for, and what is the goal of this slide to take away?
Could also show the instance variable and then the conceptual variable, if helpful.
A summary for this slide deck would be helpful; could include new terms defined.
There are many kids of relationships that could be represented, so it might be better to expand the slides a bit.
It might be good to keep this deck as an intro version and remove or edit the data references, then create a second deck (“Data and Concepts”) that goes into more detail to expand on this technical level.
How do we refer to concepts? slide
How we represent concepts in language is different than the concept itself.
Some edits and use of the term “representation” might help here. We can have two different underlying concepts but what they represent can be the same. Use practical examples.
Dan will send a new version of this intro concepts deck, and create a new data and concepts deck.
Meetings next year
first is on Jan 11 for now…move to the 13th
Larger DDI Training meeting is the week of the 10th
We will revisit our meeting occurrences in Jan