20211012 Scientific Board meeting minutes

20211012 Scientific Board meeting minutes


Ingo Barkow, Darren Bell, Jared Lyle, Hilde Orten, Flavio Rizzolo, Carsten Thiel, Wendy Thomas


Joachim Wackerow

 Agenda topics:

1. Update from the two Dagstuhl workshops

Two Dagstuhl workshops sponsored by the DDI Alliance, CODATA, Dagstuhl, GESIS and others have successfully been held. Hilde and Simon reported back from the workshops. Please find links to reports from each of the workshops below:

September 19 – 24 DDI Cross Domain Integration for FAIR Data Sharing across Discipline Boundaries

September 26 – October 1 Interoperability for Cross-Domain Research: Use Cases for Metadata Standards

The use-case approach taken by the Interoperability workshop was much appreciated by the members of the Scientific Board.

The organizing team of the workshops are planning to organize follow-up events next year. Simon will be the main contact person for this.

Flavio raised a question regarding how best to benefit from the output from the workshops in the work of the DDI Alliance. This connects with the broader topic of alignment of tasks and how to bring output from group work into production.

2. Update URN resolution Temporary Working Group

The URN resolution Temporary Working Group will be led by Carsten. The first meeting of the group is scheduled to November 2nd.

3. Collaboration with the Scientific Community and the Working groups – Proposals

Ingo and Hilde proposed the following topics to be addressed:

·       Meeting of the Scientific Community late November

·       Informal quarterly meetings between chairs of the Boards, Committees and Working Groups

It was agreed to organize to organize a meeting of the Scientific Community, as well as an informal meeting with the DDI Alliance Committees and Working Groups three to four months. The first event is likely to be a meeting of the Scientific Community. A doodle will be sent out to the members of the Board in order to fix dates.

·       Appointment of new Working Group chairs

The chair and vice-chair of the Scientific Board that the co-chairs of the Training Working Group, will step back from their roles after the two year period they have signed up for soon will be completed.

The assignment of Working Group Chairs was discussed on a general basis on the Scientific Board, and agreement was made that this should be a responsibility of the Working Group. Ingo and Hilde will get back to the co-chairs of the Training Working Group to inform about them this as well as to thank them for their work and all of their achievements.

·       Roles and goals statements for the Working Groups

A query from the Training Working Group co-chairs regarding the mission of the group, as well as a review by Scientific Board members of the Roles and goals statements for the Working Groups reveals a need for possible updates of the statements for some of the groups.

It was agreed for the Scientific Board to ask the Working Groups to review their roles and goals statements and to agree suggestions for updates with the Scientific Board.

·       SB contact person for each Working Group/Committee.

This topic is postponed till the next meeting of the Scientific Board

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